Da Costa syndrome

Da Costa syndrome

 [dah´kos´tah] a syndrome characterized by palpitation, dyspnea, a sense of fatigue, fear of effort, and discomfort brought on by exercise or sometimes even slight effort; it is considered to be a manifestation of an anxiety disorder, with the physical symptoms being a reaction to something perceived to be dangerous or otherwise a threat to the person, causing autonomic responses or hyperventilation. Called also neurocirculatory asthenia.

Da Costa's disease

(1) Gout occurring in unusual sites. 
(2) Neurocirculatory asthenia, see there.

Da Costa syndrome

A neurotic conviction that one is suffering from heart disease. The SYNDROME features PALPITATIONS, chest pain, a rapid pulse and fatigue and is essentially an ANXIETY STATE centred on the heart. Also known as neurocirculatory asthenia. (Jacob Mendes da Costa, 1833–1900, American surgeon).