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costosternoplasty costosternoplasty [kos″to-ster´no-plas″te] surgical repair of funnel chest, a segment of rib being used to support the sternum.cos·to·ster·no·plas·ty (kos'tō-ster'nō-plas'tē), Operation to correct a malformation of the anterior chest wall. [costo- + G. sternon, chest, + plastos, formed] costosternoplasty (kŏs′tō-stûr′nə-plăs′tē)n. Surgical correction of a malformation of the anterior chest wall.cos·to·ster·no·plas·ty (kos'tō-stĕr'nō-plas-tē) Surgery to correct a malformation of the anterior chest wall. [costo- + G. sternon, chest, + plastos, formed] |