

单词 fec



he or she made it. [Latin fecit]



Forward Error Correction


FECFederal Election Commission
FECForward Error Correction
FECFédération des Entreprises du Congo (French: Federation of Congolese Enterprises)
FECFull Economic Costing
FECFoyer de l'Etudiant Catholique (French: Student Catholic Home)
FECFamily Entertainment Center (various organizations)
FECFacilities Engineering Command
FECFédération des Employés et Cadres (French: Federation of Employees and Executives)
FECFederal Executive Council
FECFederal Equipment Company (defense industry supplier; Cincnnati, OH)
FECFast Ether Channel
FECFront-End Electronic Card
FECFront End Controller
FECFast Ethernet Controller
FECForwarding Equivalence Class
FECFonds d'Equipement Communal (French: Communal Equipment Fund; Morocco)
FECFlash Exposure Compensation (cameras)
FECFlorida East-Coast Railway
FECField Equipment Controller
FECFarmers Electric Cooperative (Greenville, TX)
FECFirich Enterprises Co. (various locations)
FECFederal Electronics Challenge (various organizations)
FECFluorouracil, Epirubicin, Cyclophosphamide
FECField Emission Cathode
FECForward Error Control
FECFinancial Education Center (various organizations)
FECForeign Exchange Certificate
FECFlorida Education Channel (Panhandle Area Educational Consortium)
FECFaecal Egg Count (parasitological diagnosis)
FECFurther Education College (UK)
FECFacility Emergency Coordinator (US FEMA)
FECFurukawa Electric Company (Japan)
FECFederal Express Corporation
FECFinal Energy Consumption
FECFederal Energy Commission (of the Russian Federation)
FECFamily Equality Council (est. 1979; Boston, MA)
FECFetch Execute Cycle (computing)
FECField Engineering Change
FECFamily Education Center
FECFully Executed Contract
FECFuture England Captain (soccer; UK)
FECFast Ethernet Channel
FECFabrication Evaluation Chip (semiconductors)
FECFarmers Elevator Company (various locations)
FECFamily Enterprise Center (various locations)
FECFaculty Executive Council
FECFaculty Ethics Committee (various schools)
FECFire Extinguisher Cabinet
FECFoam Ear Cushion
FECFront-End Computer (satellite control ground stations)
FECFogelman Executive Center (University of Memphis; Memphis, TN)
FECFrame Erasure Concealment
FECFaculty Effort Certification
FECFlensburger Enten Clique (German car club)
FECFront End Credibility (UK Customs)
FECForwarding Equivalency Classes (multi-protocol label switching)
FECFortaleza Esporte Clube (soccer club)
FECForward Equipment Compartment
FECFederation Europeenne de Croquet (French: European Federation of Croquet)
FECForward Error Compression
FECFree Element Condition
FECFree Episcopal Church
FECFlexible Etched Circuit
FECForced Expiratory Capacity
FECFleet/Forward Error Correction
FECForce Element Commander
FECFar End Converter (Valere)
FECField Electrical Center (aka airfield lighting power center)
FECFellow of Engineers Canada




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更新时间:2025/3/28 10:35:54