

单词 ava



(əˈvɔː) advScot at all[Scot form of of all]



(ā`və), in the Bible, an unidentified city of Mesopotamia, perhaps the same as Ivah. Its inhabitants are called Avites.


Myanmar: see InnwaInnwa
or Inwa,
formerly Ava
, village, central Myanmar, on the Ayeyarwady River, 10 mi (16 km) S of Mandalay. Founded in 1364, it was the capital of a dynasty of Burmese kings until 1783 (when it was replaced by Amarapura) and again from 1823 to 1837.
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Abbreviation for arteriovenous anastomosis.


Abbreviation for arteriovenous anastomosis.


AVAAustralian Veterinary Association
AVAAngels and Airwaves (band)
AVAAmerican Viticultural Area (designated wine growing region)
AVAAmerican Vaulting Association (West Hollywood, CA)
AVAAgri-food and Veterinary Authority (Singapore)
AVAAmbiente Virtual de Aprendizado (Portuguese: Virtual Learning Environment; Brazil)
AVAActuarial Value of Assets (accounting)
AVAAccredited Valuation Analyst
AVAAllgemeine Handelsgesellschaft Der Verbraucher (German stock company)
AVAAusschreibung Vergabe Abrechnung (German: Tendering, Contracting and Accounting; construction)
AVAAnselmo Valencia Tori Amphitheater (Tucson, AZ)
AVAAmerican Volkssport Association
AVAAdaptec Value Adapter
AVAAttribute Value Assertion
AVAAvailable Attention Message
AVAAdobe Variations File
AVAActive View Agent
AVAAmerican Vocational Association (now Association for Career and Technical Education)
AVAAnnual Value Added
AVAAlbany Visitors Association (Albany, OR)
AVAAttribute Value Assertion (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
AVAAvalanche Watch
AVAAssociation for Volunteer Administration
AVAAir Void Analyzer (concrete)
AVAAutomatic Variable Aperture (semiconductors)
AVAActivity Value Analysis
AVAAnthrax Vaccine Absorbed
AVAAmerican Veal Association (Meshoppen, PA)
AVAAlaska Visitors Association
AVAAortic Valve Area
AVAAmerican Vintners Association (now National Association of American Wineries)
AVAAlliance of Valliant Arms (gaming)
AVAArteriovenous Anastomoses
AVAAudio Visual Authoring
AVAAssociation of Avian Veterinarians
AVAAssociation of Veterinary Anaesthetists
AVAAssurances Vieillesse des Artisans
AVAAudio Visual Aid
AVAAmerican Vecturist Association
AVAAustralasian Vascular Audit (International Society for Cardiovascular Surgey)
AVAAmerican Virtual Airlines
AVAAviation Vibration Analyzer
AVAAlgemeen Verslag over de Armoede (Belgium)
AVAAuvergne Végétarienne Attitude (French: Auvergne Vegetarian Attitude; Auvergne, France)
AVAAir Volume Adjuster (Fox Racing Shox, Inc.)
AVAAvianca - Aerovias Nacionales de Colombia (ICAO code)
AVAASTER (Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer) Volcano Archive (US NASA)
AVAAssurance Voyages & Assistance (French: Travel Insurance & Assistance)
AVAAmerican Values Alliance (political group)
AVAAssociation of Virtual Aviation (of South Africa)
AVAAudio/Visual Alarm
AVAAnticyclonic Vorticity Advection (meteorology)
AVAAssociation des Véhicules Amphibies (French: Association of Amphibious Vehicles)
AVAAsociacion Venezolana de Archiveros
AVAAssociation Vergongheon Arvant (French soccer club)
AVAAmplitude Variation with AOI (Angle of Incidence) (similar to AVO)
AVAAmateurs de Véhicules Alpine (French: Alpine Car Enthusiasts; est. 1987)
AVAAntipodal Vivaldi Antenna
AVAAutomated Visual Association
AVAAntarctic Vexillological Association
AVAAir Vehicle Avionics
AVAAmerican Valet Air
AVAAlma Vision Assurance
AVAAgricultural Vulnerability Assessment
AVAAdaptation Validation and Analysis CSCI
AVAAverage Value Analysis
AVAAssociation Villeurbannaise d'Aquariophilie (French aquarium enthusiasts' association; Villeurbanne, France)
AVAAmateur Voice Acting/Actor
AVAAzimuth vs. Amplitude
AVAAudio/Visual Annunciator
AVAAviation Vehicles Association
AVAAverage Alarm
AVAARM (Atmospheric Radiation Measurement) Volume-Imaging Array (US Department of Energy)
AVAAccompagnement Vers la Vie Active (French: Coaching Towards Active Living; est. 2006)




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