Endicott Rock
Endicott Rock
Location:Off US Route 3 in Laconia, at the south end of Weirs Beach.
Special Features:This is the site of a large boulder that was inscribed in 1652 with the name JohnEndicott, Governor of Massachusetts Bay, and the initials of twoMassachusetts Bay Colony commissioners and two surveyors. The rockmarked the assumed headwaters of the Merrimack River -- under theoriginal Bay Charter of 1629, the northern boundary of the colony wasfixed as a line three miles north of the Merrimack.
Address:Rt 3
Laconia, NH 03246
Web: www.nhstateparks.org/ParksPages/Endicott/Endicott.html
Size: 0.1 acres.
See other parks in New Hampshire.