

See also antiquity; evolution
fossilismthe study of fossils. — fossilist, n.ichnologythe branch of paleontology that studies fossil footprints. Also called ichnolithology.ichnological, adj.paleichthyology, palaeichthyology, paleoichthyology, palaeoichthyologythe study of fossil fish. — paleichthyologist, palaeichthyologist, paleoichthyologist, palaeoichthyologist, n.paleichthyological, palaeichthyological, paleoichthyological, palaeoichthyological, adj.paleobiology, palaeobiologythe branch of paleontology that studies fossil plants and animals. — paleobiologist, palaeobiologist, n.paleobiologic, palaeobiologic, paleobiological, palaeobiological, adj.paleobotany, palaeobotanythe branch of paleology that studies fossil plants, especially their origin, structure, and growth. — paleobotanist, palaeobotanist, n.paleobotanic, palaeobotanic, paleobotanical, palaeobotanical, adj.paleontology, palaeontology1. the science of the forms of life existing in prior geologie periods from their fossilized remains.
2. an article on paleontology. — paleontologist. palaeontologist, n.paleontologie, palaeontologic, paleontological, palaeontological, adj.
paleornithology, palaeornithologythe study of fossil birds. — paleornithologic, palaeornithologic, paleornithological, palaeornithological, adj.paleozoology, palaeozoologythe study of fossil animals. — paleozoologic, palaeozoologic, paleozoological, palaeozoological, adj.phytolithologyObsolete, the study of fossil plants.pyrochromatographya process for detecting traces of organic elements in fossils by using heat or fire.scatologythe branch of paleontology that studies fossil excrement.