Foundry Pig Iron

Foundry Pig Iron


pig iron produced in blast furnaces, with most of its carbon in the form of free graphite and containing up to 3.75 percent silicon. Used in the production of castings in the foundry industry. Coke, charcoal, and alloy pig irons are produced.

The pig iron produced in the USSR includes six grades, from LK0 to LK5, which contain 3.5–4.5 percent carbon and 0.75–3.75 percent silicon. Each grade is divided into three groups according to the sulfur content and into four categories according to the phosphorus content. Charcoal pig iron, which is produced in limited quantities, contains 3.7–4.4 percent carbon and 1.25–2.75 percent silicon, with considerably less phosphorus and sulfur than coke pig iron. Synthetic pig iron, which is produced by remelting steel waste and recycled high-quality pig iron, with subsequent carburizing with graphite-containing compounds, is used for special high-quality castings.

Foundry pig iron is shipped in the form of pigs and is a component of charges used in the production of gray, malleable, and chilled cast iron, including the alloy and inoculated cast iron.