bloodied but unbowed

bloodied but unbowed

Still willing to continue despite stress or setbacks. The troops emerged from the brutal battle bloodied but unbowed. We were bloodied but unbowed after the board rejected our first proposal—we just resolved to make a better pitch next time.See also: bloody, but, unbowed

bloodied but unbowed

LITERARYIf a person or organization is bloodied but unbowed, they have had a bad experience, but they have not been defeated or destroyed and are determined to continue with something. He is bloodied but unbowed after his very narrow election victory. The group was bloodied but unbowed, selling off its non-tobacco businesses to keep big shareholders happy. Note: Adjectives such as battered, bloody and defeated can be used instead of bloodied. The construction giant has emerged from the recession battered but unbowed. Note: Unbowed means standing upright without showing fear or pain. See also: bloody, but, unbowed