blood group-specific substances A and B

blood group-spe·cif·ic sub·stanc·es A and B

solution of complexes of polysaccharides and amino acids that reduces the titer of anti-A and anti-B isoagglutinins in serum from those with group O; used to render group O blood reasonably safe for transfusion into those with group A, B, or AB, but does not affect any incompatibility that results from various other factors, such as Rh.

blood group-spe·cif·ic sub·stanc·es A and B

(blŭd grūp-spĕ-sif'ik sŭb'stăns-ĕz) Solution of complexes of polysaccharides and amino acids that reduces the titer of anti-A and anti-B isoagglutinins in serum from people in group O; used to render group O blood reasonably safe for transfusion into people in groups A, B, or AB, without affecting any incompatibility that results from various other factors, such as Rh.