facial canal

fa·cial ca·nal

[TA] the bony passage in the temporal bone through which the facial nerve passes; the facial canal commences at the internal auditory meatus with the horizontal part, which passes at first anteriorly (medial crus of facial canal) then turns posteriorly at the geniculum of the facial canal to pass medial to the tympanic cavity (lateral crus of facial canal); finally, it turns downward (descending part of facial canal) to reach the stylomastoid foramen. Synonym(s): canalis nervi facialis [TA], aqueductus fallopii, fallopian aqueduct, fallopian canal

fa·cial ca·nal

(fā'shăl kă-nal') [TA] The bony passage in the temporal bone through which the facial nerve passes; the facial canal commences at the internal auditory meatus with the horizontal part which passes at first anteriorly (medial crus of facial canal) then turns posteriorly at the geniculum of the facial canal to pass medial to the tympanic cavity (lateral crus of facial canal); finally, it turns downward (descending part of facial canal) to reach the stylomastoid foramen.


Gabriele, Italian anatomist, 1523-1562. fallopian aqueduct - the bony passage in the temporal bone through which the facial nerve passes. Synonym(s): facial canal; fallopian canalfallopian arch - Synonym(s): fallopian ligamentfallopian arteryfallopian canal - Synonym(s): fallopian aqueductfallopian cannulafallopian catheterfallopian hiatus - the opening on the anterior aspect of the petrous part of the temporal bone which leads to the facial canal and gives passage to the greater petrosal nerve. Synonym(s): hiatus of facial canalfallopian ligament - forms the floor of the inguinal canal and gives origin to lowermost fibers of internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles. Synonym(s): fallopian arch; inguinal ligamentfallopian neuritis - Synonym(s): facial paralysisfallopian pregnancy - Synonym(s): tubal pregnancyfallopian tube - one of the tubes leading on either side from the upper or outer extremity of the ovary to the fundus of the uterus. Synonym(s): tuba fallopiana; tuba fallopii; uterine tube; tuba fallopiana - Synonym(s): fallopian tubetuba fallopii - Synonym(s): fallopian tube

fa·cial ca·nal

(fā'shăl kă-nal') [TA] Bony passage in temporal bone through which facial nerve passes.