Drach, Ivan Fedorovich
Drach, Ivan Fedorovich
Born Oct. 17, 1936, in the village of Telizhentsy, Tetiev Raion, Kiev Oblast. Soviet Ukrainian poet. Member of the CPSU since 1959.
Drach enrolled in the philology department of the University of Kiev in 1958, and he completed the Advanced Courses for Screenwriters in Moscow in 1964. In his collections of poetry The Sunflower (1962), Prominences of the Heart (1965), and Everyday Ballads (1967) he showed himself to be an innovator. His poetry is characterized by colorful and original imagery and thematic diversity. Drach has also written several screenplays.
PoeZii. Kiev, 1967.Idu do tebe. Kiev, 1970.
Novychenko, L. “Ivan Drach, novobranets’ poezii.” In I. Drach, Soniashnyk: Poezii. Kiev, 1962.“Ivan Drach.” In Pys’mennyky Radians’koi Ukrainy. Kiev, 1970.