

单词 dr



abbr.1. dead reckoning2. dining room


abbreviation for 1. (Banking & Finance) debtor 2. (Units) Also: dr. dram 3. (Furniture) drawer


abbreviation for 1. (Education) Doctor 2. (Medicine) Doctor 3. (Human Geography) (in street names) Drive


abbreviation for (Building) dry riser


Real Estate. dining room.


1. door. 2. dram.


1. Doctor. 2. Drive (used in street names).


1. debit. 2. debtor. 3. drachma. 4. dram.


written abbreviation doctor (used with names). Dr Jones. 博士或醫生(書面縮寫) 博士或医生(书面语缩写式)


do you know Dr. Wright of Norwich

A sarcastic comment made at a dinner party to urge a guest to keep passing the wine. Allegedly, the real Dr. Wright of Norwich was prone to monopolizing the wine because he was such a conversationalist. Primarily heard in UK. Hey Michael, do you know Dr. Wright of Norwich? Let's keep the wine moving, shall we?See also: know, of


An abbreviation for "Too long; didn't read," an expression that indicates that one did not read an online article or post, usually because it was deemed too long and/or boring. I really want to write "TL;DR" on all these novella-length rants my friend keeps posting on Facebook.

Doctor Livingstone, I presume?

A humorous greeting. The phrase refers to Scottish explorer David Livingstone, who was presumed lost in Africa in the mid-19th century. When reporter H.M. Stanley finally located him, he supposedly greeted Livingstone with this now-famous phrase. You must be the gentleman I'm looking for—Doctor Livingstone, I presume?See also: doctor

doctor's orders

Instructions given by one's doctor. Acting upon my doctor's orders, I cleared my schedule and spent the week recuperating at home. Samantha, you need to stay off your foot and use your crutches—doctor's orders, remember?See also: order

Doctor Livingstone, I presume?

Jocular You are who I think you are, are you not? Oh, there you are. Doctor Livingstone, I presume?See also: doctor

doctor's orders something

that one is strongly advised to do as ordered or as if ordered by a doctor. I have to spend a month in Arizona. Doctor's orders. I'm doing this on doctor's orders, but I don't like it.See also: order

Doctor Livingstone, I presume?

A 19th-century explorer named Dr. David Livingstone became something of a national hero through his articles and lectures about his adventures in Africa. In 1864, Livingstone led an expedition to discover the source of the Nile. When little to nothing was heard from or about Livingstone after many years, Europeans and Americans became concerned. In 1871, the publisher of the New York Herald hired Henry Stanley, a newspaper reporter, to find Livingstone. Heading a group of some two hundred men, Stanley headed into the African interior. After nearly eight months he found Livingstone in a small village on the shore of Lake Tanganyika. As Stanley described the encounter, “As I advanced slowly toward him I noticed he was pale, looked wearied . . . I would have embraced him, only, he being an Englishman, I did not know how he would receive me; so I . . . walked deliberately to him, took off my hat, and said, ‘Dr. Livingstone, I presume?' The phrase “‘Dr. Livingstone, I presume?” caught the public's fancy, and any number of would-be wits greeted friends with it until the phrase lost all traces of cleverness. But that never stopped people from continuing to use it long past the public's memory of who Livingstone or Stanley were.See also: doctor




(mechanics) dram


1. On drawings, abbr. for drain. 2. Abbr. for dressing room. 3. Abbr. for dining room.



 [dok´ter] 1. a holder of a diploma of the highest degree from a university, qualified as a specialist in a particular field of knowledge.2. a practitioner of the healing arts, as one graduated from a college of medicine, osteopathy, chiropractic, optometry, podiatry, dentistry, or veterinary medicine, and licensed to practice.


 (ʒ) (dr) [dram] a unit of weight which, in the apothecaries' system, equals 60 grains, or ⅛ounce; in the avoirdupois system it equals 27.34 grains, or ¹⁄₁₆ounce.fluid dram (fl dr) a unit of capacity (liquid measure) of the apothecaries' system, being 60 minims, or the equivalent of 3.697 mL. In Great Britain, it is the imperial fluid dram and is equivalent to 3.55 mL. See also Table of Weights and Measures in the Appendix.


Abbreviation for digital radiography; degeneration reaction, reaction of degeneration.


Abbreviation for dram.


Abbreviation for:
death receptor
decerebrate rigidity
delivery room
diabetes resistant
diabetic retinopathy
diagnostic radiology
digital radiology
disaster recovery, see there 
dopamine receptor
dorsal root
drug resistant


Abbreviation for reaction of degeneration.


Abbreviation for dram.


Abbrev. for Diploma in Radiology.


Abbreviation for digital radiography.


Abbreviation for dram.

Patient discussion about DR

Q. Where is Dr. Rosenfelds weekly column in Parade??? His advice is surely missed!A. I am not aware of the reason why Dr. Rosenfeld's weekly column is missing. Perhaps the best thing would be to contact Parade magazine with this question.. www.parade.com

Q. How can you make depression symptoms better without going to the Dr.? What if you have depression but don't need to see a doctor yet. How can you improve your light depression symptoms at home? Don't say some type of pill, because I would want to go through a doctor before I take any kind of supplement.A. Tiffany's suggestions about light (especially sunlight) and exercise are commonly suggested by doctors and therapists for mild cases of depression, and quite successful. Data shows that things such as religiosity and strong social support are also strong protective factors. What has helped me in the past is keeping a journal, both to monitor myself and as a way to get things off my chest without having to talk to someone. Be careful, be smart, make sure the depression doesn't worsen and monitor yourself for ANY suicidal thoughts (in which case, run don't walk to a doctor or psychologist), otherwise you should be ok, and if you maintain a positive outlook (optimism is highly correlated with recovery), you could very well be seeing the sun again shortly!
Bonne Chance!

Q. My muscle enzymes are at 355, my DR says normal is 200. She refered me to a Neurologist. What could be wrong? I am experiencing sore legs when I walk, weakness, and sometimes difficulty in swallowing. I am 46 I had a minor heart attack 5 yrs ago with a stent placed in my LAD. I am on Crestor 10mg. my Dr. has adjusted the dosage several times and used other drugs but it doesn't change the results much if at all.A. Crestor itself may cause elevated muscle enzymes (you probably refer to Creatine Kinase, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creatine_kinase). However, weakness and swallowing problems may raise the suspicion of a disease of the nerves or muscles.

More discussions about DR


DRDining Room (real estate)
DRDigital Research
DRDemocratic Republic
DRDoctor Robert (Beatles song)
DRDelivery Room
DRDigital River (e-commerce solutions)
DRDevelopment Report
DRDown (Stage) Right
DRData Request
DRDesign Review
DRDiscount Rate
DRDeep Red (movie)
DRDeath Row (Quake 3 Clan)
DRDemand Response (energy)
DRData Research
DRData Recovery (business continuity planning)
DRData Rate
DRDynamic Range
DRDominican Republic
DRDesignated Router (networking)
DRDonor (IRB)
DRDispute Resolution (various organizations)
DRDisaster Recovery
DRData Received
DRData Reduction
DRDose Rate
DRDisaster Relief (US DoD)
DRDirect Route
DRDelivery Report
DRDisaster Response (US DoD)
DRDaniel Radcliffe (actor)
DRDrifting (METAR descriptor)
DRDropper (virus scanners)
DRDoppler Radar
DRDanmarks Radio
DRDeputy Registrar
DRDelayed Release (medicine)
DRDigital Radiography
DRDrudge Report
DRDistributed Resources
DRDigital Receiver (US DoD)
DRDiabetic Retinopathy
DRData Repository
DRDefect Report (regression testing documentation)
DRDamage Reduction (Dungeons & Dragons gaming)
DRDirector of Recruiting
DRDopamine Receptor (protein-coupled receptors)
DRData Recorder
DRDemande de Remboursement (French: Request for Reimbursement)
DRDiary Room (Big Brother TV show)
DRDesignated Representative (various organizations)
DRDiameter Router
DRDevil Rays (baseball team)
DRDrag Reduction
DRDas Reich (WWII 2nd SS-Panzer division)
DRDelivery Rate
DRDirect Report (chain of command)
DRDivine Retribution (gaming)
DRDead Reckoning (navigation)
DRDrachma (Greek currency)
DRDynamic Reconfiguration
DRDouay-Rheims Bible
DRDeutsche Reichsbahn (German Railways; Weimar Republic and Third Reich, 1920-1949)
DRDeutsche Reichsbahn (East German / DDR State Railways, 1949-1994)
DRData Redundancy (business continuity planning)
DRDevelopment Region (Nepal)
DRDistrict Ranger (National Park Service)
DRDragon Runner (US Marine Corps unmanned ground vehicle)
DRDispatch Reliability (aircraft)
DRDriver Release (UPS, leaving a pkg without a signature)
DRDirection de la Recherche (French: Directorate of Research)
DRDevelopmental Review
DRData Requirement
DRDespatch Rider
DRDiseños Románticos (Spanish: Romantic Designs; Guatemala)
DRDispersion Relation
DRDighton-Rehoboth (Massachusetts)
DRDecision Review
DRdielectronic recombination
DRDisconnect Request
DRDepth Required
DRDielectric Resonator
DRDeveloper Release (Linux)
DRDeployment Readiness
DRDistrict Registry
DRDerde Rijk (Dutch: Third Reich)
DRDeficiency Report
DRDartmouth Review (Dartmouth College)
DRDiscrepancy Report
DRDouble Replacement (chemical reaction)
DRData Receive (signal)
DRDynamic Representation (software engineering)
DRDragon Realms (online role-playing game by Simutronics Incorporated)
DRDetection Radar
DRDead Round (online gaming)
DRThe Dragon Riders (gaming)
DRDifferential Reporting
DRDisplay Request
DRDisplacement Ratio
DRDrilling Reservist
DRDigital Rack
DRDirect Recycling (soft-decision decoding technique)
DRDesignated Receiver
DRDischarge Resistor
DRDesktop Requisition (purchases)
DRDubinin/Radushkevich (equation)
DRDeflection Ratio
DRDebit Record
DRDepartment Requisition
DRDouble Rub (fabric testing)
DRDirected Retry
DRDivide Register (IBM)
DRDynamic Replenishment
DRDeep Reflux
DRDelayed Reservation
DRDoppler Rate
DRDiferencia de Riesgos (Spanish: risk difference)
DRDelay Reducer (gaming)
DRDevelopment Requisition
DRDecoy Research
DRDigital Resolver
DRDecision Redundancy
DRDeficiency/Discrepancy Report
DRDocument Request System
DRDice Roll(er) (gaming)
DRDiazo Reproducible Full Size Drawing


Words starting with dr:

  • DR
  • Dr Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna
  • Dr josep goebbles
  • Dr Samuel Johnson
  • DR-DOS
  • Dr. Ben Rush
  • Dr. Carl Gustav Jung
  • Dr. Frankenstein's Monster
  • Dr. J. H. Salisbury
  • Dr. Kissinger
  • Dr. Pangloss
  • Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
  • Dr. Soice
  • Dr. Theodore Seuss Giesel
  • Dr. William Thornton
  • DRA.
  • Drâa River
  • drabbed
  • Drabbish
  • drabbled
  • drabette
  • DRAC
  • Dracaenaceae
  • Dracenaceae
  • Drachme
  • Draco (disambiguation)
  • Dracon
  • Draconian punishment
  • draconically
  • Draconitic month
  • Dracula
  • Dracuncula
  • Dracunculus
  • DRAD
  • Draff
  • Draft (disambiguation)
  • Draft Bill of Exchange
  • draft copy
  • draft evader
  • draft horse
  • DR (disambiguation)
  • Dr Faust
  • Dr Kevorkian’s machine
  • Dr Seuss
  • Dr.
  • Dr. Benjamin Rush
  • Dr. Edward Teller
  • Dr. Goebbels
  • Dr. James Naismith
  • Dr. Livingstone
  • Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels
  • Dr. Samuel Johnson
  • Dr. Spock
  • Dr. Theol.
  • Dr.habil.
  • draa
  • drab
  • drabber
  • drabble
  • Drabbler
  • drabiness
  • dracaena
  • dracaenas
  • drachm
  • drachms
  • Draco lizard
  • dracone
  • Draconianism
  • Draconids
  • dracontiasis
  • Drácula
  • dracunculiases
  • Dracunculus insignis
  • Dradde
  • Draffish
  • Draft (horse)
  • Draft Bills of Exchange
  • draft dodger
  • Draft evasion
  • Draft law
  • Dr Benjamin Spock
  • Dr j
  • Dr Livingstone
  • Dr Spock
  • Dr. Albert Schweitzer
  • Dr. Benjamin Spock
  • Dr. Ernesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna
  • Dr. Henry Kissenger
  • Dr. John Von Neumann
  • Dr. Livingstone, I presume?
  • Dr. Radhakrishnan
  • Dr. Seus
  • Dr. Suess
  • Dr. Thomas Wayne
  • Dr.S Radhakrishnan
  • Draâ
  • draba
  • drabbest
  • Drabble contest
  • drabbles
  • drably
  • Dracaena (lizard)
  • Dracanth
  • drachma
  • Dracin
  • Draco volans
  • dracones
  • Draconians
  • Draconin
  • Dracontic
  • Dracula (novel)
  • dracunculiasis
  • Dracunculus mediensis
  • Dradge
  • Draffy
  • Draft (nautical)
  • draft board
  • Draft dodgers
  • draft excluder
  • draft plan
  • Dr Carl Gustav Jung
  • Dr Jekyll
  • Dr Martens
  • Dr Suess
  • dr. ap.
  • Dr. Booker T. Washington
  • Dr. Fatside
  • Dr. Isaac Asimov
  • Dr. Johnson
  • Dr. Martens
  • Dr. Ralph Bunche
  • Dr. Seuss
  • Dr. Sun Yat-sen
  • Dr. Wernher von Braun
  • Dr.S. Radhakrishnan
  • Draa River
  • Draba aizoides
  • Drabbet
  • Drabble, Margaret
  • drabbling
  • drabness
  • Dracaena (plant)
  • Draceana
  • drachmae
  • drack
  • Dracocephalum
  • Draconian
  • draconic
  • draconism
  • Dracontine
  • Dracula (Spanish Version)
  • Dracunculidae
  • Dracunculus medinensis
  • Draegerman
  • draft
  • draft animal
  • Draft box
  • Draft dodging
  • draft excluders
  • Draft resistance
  • Dr congo
  • Dr Johnson
  • Dr Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward
  • Dr Thomas Neill
  • dr. avdp.
  • Dr. Cameron Lewis
  • Dr. Faust
  • Dr. J
  • Dr. jur.
  • Dr. med.
  • Dr. Rudolf Steiner
  • Dr. Sigmund Freud
  • dr. t.
  • Dr. Wilhelm Reich
  • Dr.seuss
  • Draâ River
  • Draba verna
  • drabbing
  • Drabble-tail
  • drabby
  • drabs
  • Dracaena draco
  • Dracena (disambiguation)
  • drachmas
  • Draco
  • Dracocephalum parviflorum
  • Draconian code
  • draconic month
  • draconites
  • dracontium
  • Dracula; Iced Earth Song
  • dracunculosis
  • Dracunculus vulgaris
  • draegermen
  • Draft (banking)
  • draft beer
  • Draft card
  • Draft dog
  • Draft gore
  • Draft resistor




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