Acronym | Definition |
ELC➣Early Learning Centre (UK) |
ELC➣English Language Centre (various locations) |
ELC➣Education Learning Community (various locations) |
ELC➣Équipe Locale de Crise (French: Local Crisis Team) |
ELC➣Employment Law Center (San Francisco, CA) |
ELC➣Early Learning Coalition |
ELC➣Education Law Center |
ELC➣East Lothian Council (UK) |
ELC➣Environmental Law Centre (Canada) |
ELC➣École des Langues et Cultures (French: School of Languages and Cultures) |
ELC➣Ecological Land Classification (Canada) |
ELC➣Environmental Learning Center (Vero Beach, FL) |
ELC➣Environmental Literacy Council (Washington, DC) |
ELC➣European Landscape Convention (international treaty) |
ELC➣Education Licensing Center |
ELC➣Egress Line Card |
ELC➣Elisp Code |
ELC➣Electronic Light Control |
ELC➣Easy Logic Controller |
ELC➣Encarta Lesson Collection |
ELC➣Electronic Level Control |
ELC➣Electronic Level Control (automotive technology) |
ELC➣European Language Council |
ELC➣Evangelical Lutheran Church |
ELC➣Employee Life Cycle (human resources model) |
ELC➣Executive Leadership Council |
ELC➣Eligibility in the Local Context |
ELC➣Education Leadership Conference (annual conference) |
ELC➣ExPRESS Logistics Carrier (International Space Station) |
ELC➣Experiential Learning Center (education) |
ELC➣Enterprise Life Cycle |
ELC➣Electronic Learning Community (various locations) |
ELC➣Extended Life Coolant |
ELC➣Evolutionary Learning Community |
ELC➣Employment Law Consultants |
ELC➣Electronic Light Control (camera) |
ELC➣Enhanced Learning Credit (scheme) |
ELC➣Equipment Leasing Company |
ELC➣Elementary Learning Center (various locations) |
ELC➣Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Consulting (Columbia University club) |
ELC➣Expeditionary Legal Complex (US DoD) |
ELC➣English Language Consultant (various locations) |
ELC➣Enhanced Learning Center |
ELC➣Entreprise Lyonnaise de Construction (French construction company) |
ELC➣E-Learning Credit (Department for Education and Skills; UK) |
ELC➣Engineering Logistics Center |
ELC➣Extended Learning Center |
ELC➣Egyptian Labour Corps |
ELC➣Electric Lighting Concept (France) |
ELC➣Embedded Linking and Control |
ELC➣Exhibitor Liaison Committee (Design Automation Conference) |
ELC➣Extended Local Calling |
ELC➣Entry Level Credential (work skills program) |
ELC➣El Centro, California (border patrol sector) |
ELC➣Employee Leasing Company |
ELC➣Miles Exploratory Learning Center (Tucson, AZ) |
ELC➣Environmental Leadership Council |
ELC➣Eli Lilly Company |
ELC➣Education Leadership Council |
ELC➣Entity Level Controls (Sarbanes Oxley, Audit) |
ELC➣Easy Logistics Center (software) |
ELC➣Enhanced Live Production Control System (newsroom automation software; Sony) |
ELC➣Emerging Leaders Conference (USACE) |
ELC➣Equal-Loudness Contours |
ELC➣Electronic Loan Company |
ELC➣Environment Liaison Center |
ELC➣Estimated Landed Cost (retail industry) |
ELC➣Environment Liaison Centre International (Kenya) |
ELC➣Empowered Learning Center of Stamford |
ELC➣Export Letter of Credit (finance) |
ELC➣English Learning Centers (English Language Institute of Universidad Interamericana de Costa Rica) |
ELC➣End of Line Count |
ELC➣End of Life Choices |
ELC➣Executive Leadership Course |
ELC➣Extremely Leet Chat (chat client) |
ELC➣Engine Life Computer |
ELC➣Electrical Load Center (military helicopters) |
ELC➣Exquisite Life Coaching |
ELC➣Electric Leet Crash (gaming clan) |
ELC➣Exercise Life Cycle |
ELC➣Elite Light Crusaders (Enemy Territory gaming clan) |
ELC➣Entertainment Labor Consulting (Los Angeles, CA) |
ELC➣Eastern Luzon College (Philippines) |
ELC➣Estimated Loss Code (US Navy) |