Ferne Clyffe State Park

Ferne Clyffe State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Illinois
Location:On IL 37 in southern Illinois, 1 mile south of Goreville and 12 miles south of Marion.
Facilities:Class A campground (electricity, showers, flush toilets), walk-inprimitive campground with toilets and drinking water nearby, youthgroup campground (drinking water and toilets), backpack campsites withshowers and toilets, equestrian campground (showers, drinking water,toilets), 7 picnic areas (some with shelters, drinking water, andplaygrounds), 18 trails, nature preserve.
Activities:Camping, bank fishing, hiking, horseback riding, hunting, rock climbing, nature study.
Special Features:An abundance of ferns, unique geological features, and unusual plantcommunities make Ferne Clyffe an especially scenic area. Impressiverock formations can be seen from most of the trails, including a150-foot- long shelter bluff (Hawks' Cave) and a 100-foot-tallintermittent waterfall. The park also has more than 700 specifies ofplants.
Address:PO Box 10
Goreville, IL 62939

Web: dnr.state.il.us/Lands/Landmgt/PARKS/R5/FERNE.HTM
Size: 2,430 acres.

See other parks in Illinois.