

D0259900 (dĭs′kount′, dĭs-kount′)tr.v. dis·count·ed, dis·count·ing, dis·counts 1. a. To sell or offer for sale at a reduced price: discounting all merchandise.b. To reduce in quantity or value: discount a price.2. To deduct or subtract from a cost or price: discounted 30 dollars off the price of the coat.3. a. To determine the present value of (a future payment or series of payments).b. To price (a bond or other debt security) at a reduction to its face value, especially in place of a coupon.4. a. To disregard or doubt (something) as being exaggerated or untrustworthy: discount a rumor.b. To underestimate the significance or effectiveness of; minimize: I made sure in my report not to discount your accomplishments.5. To anticipate and make allowance for; reckon with in advance.n. (dĭs′kount′)1. A reduction from the full or standard amount of a price or value.2. The amount by which the face value of a bond or other debt security exceeds its market price.adj. (dĭs′kount′)1. Offering products or services for sale at low or reduced prices: a discount retailer; a discount airline.2. Sold or offered for sale at a low or reduced price: discount merchandise.3. Reduced in quantity or value: discount airfares.4. Priced below face value, especially in place of a coupon: a discount bond.
[Alteration (influenced by dis- count) of French décompter, from Old French desconter : des-, away; see dis- + conter, to count; see count1.]
dis′count′a·ble adj.dis·count′er n.