

单词 dependent



D0141200 (dĭ-pĕn′dənt)adj.1. Determined, influenced, or controlled by something else.2. Grammar Subordinate to another clause, phrase, or word.3. Relying on or requiring the aid or support of another: adult children who are still dependent on their parents.4. Needing to continue use of a drug or other substance or engagement in a specific activity in order to avoid experiencing withdrawal symptoms: dependent on alcohol.5. Archaic Hanging down.n. also de·pen·dant One who relies on another, especially for financial support.
de·pen′dent·ly adv.Synonyms: dependent, conditional, contingent, subject
These adjectives mean determined by something else: a water supply dependent on rainfall; conditional acceptance of the apology; assistance contingent on need; promotion subject to merit.


(dɪˈpɛndənt) or


adj1. depending on a person or thing for aid, support, life, etc2. (postpositive; foll by on or upon) influenced or conditioned (by); contingent (on)3. subordinate; subject: a dependent prince. 4. obsolete hanging down5. (Mathematics) maths a. (of a variable) having a value depending on that assumed by a related independent variableb. (of a linear equation) having every solution as a solution of one or more given linear equationsn6. (Linguistics) grammar an element in a phrase or clause that is not the governor7. a variant spelling (esp US) of dependant deˈpendently adv


(dɪˈpɛn dənt)

adj. 1. relying on someone or something else for aid, support, etc. 2. conditioned or determined by something else: Our trip is dependent on the weather. 3. subordinate; subject: a dependent territory. 4. used only in connection with other forms, not in isolation; subordinate. In I walked out when the bell rang, when the bell rang is a dependent clause. Compare independent (def. 10). 5. hanging down. 6. a. (of a variable) having values determined by one or more independent variables. b. (of an equation) having solutions that are identical to those of another equation or to those of a set of equations. n. 7. a person who depends on someone or something for support, favor, etc., esp. a child, spouse, or aged parent. Often, esp. for def. 8, de•pend′ant. [1375–1425] de•pend′ent•ly, adv.


– dependant">dependant1. used as an adjective

If you are dependent on someone or something, you need them in order to survive.

At first, a patient may feel very dependent on the nurses....those who are entirely dependent for their welfare on the public services.All competitively priced newspapers became dependent on advertising.
2. used as a noun

In British English, your dependants are the people who you support financially, such as your children.

...shorter or more flexible working hours for people with dependants.

In American English, this noun is usually spelled dependent.

Employees and their dependents are seeking help in greater numbers.
Noun1.dependent - a person who relies on another person for support (especially financial support)dependantrecipient, receiver - a person who receives somethingcharge - a person committed to your care; "the teacher led her charges across the street"minion - a servile or fawning dependant
Adj.1.dependent - relying on or requiring a person or thing for support, supply, or what is needed; "dependent children"; "dependent on moisture"unfree - hampered and not free; not able to act at willindependent - free from external control and constraint; "an independent mind"; "a series of independent judgments"; "fiercely independent individualism"
2.dependent - contingent on something elsedependant, qualifiedconditional - imposing or depending on or containing a condition; "conditional acceptance of the terms"; "lent conditional support"; "the conditional sale will not be complete until the full purchase price is paid"
3.dependent - (of a clause) unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence; "a subordinate (or dependent) clause functions as a noun or adjective or adverb within a sentence"subordinategrammar - the branch of linguistics that deals with syntax and morphology (and sometimes also deals with semantics)main, independent - (of a clause) capable of standing syntactically alone as a complete sentence; "the main (or independent) clause in a complex sentence has at least a subject and a verb"main, independent - (of a clause) capable of standing syntactically alone as a complete sentence; "the main (or independent) clause in a complex sentence has at least a subject and a verb"
4.dependent - held from above; "a pendant bunch of grapes"pendant, pendentsupported - held up or having the weight borne especially from below; "supported joints in a railroad track have ties directly under the rail ends"
5.dependent - being under the power or sovereignty of another or others; "subject peoples"; "a dependent prince"subjectsubordinate - subject or submissive to authority or the control of another; "a subordinate kingdom"
6.dependent - addicted to a drugdrug-addicted, strung-out, dependant, hookedaddicted - compulsively or physiologically dependent on something habit-forming; "she is addicted to chocolate"; "addicted to cocaine"


U.S. (sometimes) dependantadjective reliant, vulnerable, helpless, incapable, powerless, needy, weak, defenceless I refuse to be dependent, despite having a baby to care for.
reliant independent, self-reliantdependent on or upon reliant on, relying on, supported by, counting on, leaning on, sustained by He was dependent on his parents for everything.1. determined by, depending on, subject to, influenced by, relative to, liable to, conditional on, contingent on companies whose earnings are largely dependent on foreign economies2. addicted to, hooked on (informal), over-reliant on people who are totally dependent on heroin see dependant


adjective1. Determined or to be determined by someone or something else:conditional, conditioned, contingent, relative, reliant, subject.2. In a position of subordination:collateral, subject, subordinate, subservient.nounA person who relies on another for support:charge, ward.


(diˈpend) verb (with on). 1. to rely on. You can't depend on his arriving on time. 依靠 依靠2. to rely on receiving necessary (financial) support from. The school depends for its survival on money from the Church. 依賴 依赖3. (of a future happening etc) to be decided by. Our success depends on everyone working hard. 依...而定,取決於 依...而定,取决于 deˈpendable adjective (negative undependable) trustworthy or reliable. I know he'll remember to get the wine – he's very dependable. 可靠的 可靠的deˈpendant noun a person who is kept or supported by another. He has five dependants to support – a wife and four children. 受扶養者 受赡养者deˈpendent adjective1. relying on (someone etc) for (financial) support. He is totally dependent on his parents. 依賴的 依赖的2. (of a future happening etc) to be decided by. Whether we go or not is dependent on whether we have enough money. 由...來決定的 由...来决定的it/that depends, it all depends what happens, is decided etc, will be affected by something else. I don't know if I'll go to the party – it all depends. 視情況而定 视情况而定
to look after one's dependants (not dependents).
to be dependent (not dependant) on one's parents.



 [de-pen´dent] 1. pertaining to dependence or to dependency.2. hanging down.dependent personality disorder a personality disorder marked by excessive need to be taken care of, with submissiveness and clinging and preoccupation with fears of abandonment, so that others are allowed to assume responsibility for major areas of one's life. Persons with the disorder need advice and reassurance in decision making, yield responsibility, initiative, and independence, avoid disagreement, voluntarily undertake unpleasant tasks to ensure further care, subordinate their own desires to those of the people they depend on to avoid jeopardizing those relationships, and feel discomfort or helplessness when alone, indiscriminately rushing to new relationships.


(dĭ-pĕn′dənt)adj.1. Determined, influenced, or controlled by something else.2. Needing to continue use of a drug or other substance or engagement in a specific activity in order to avoid experiencing withdrawal symptoms: dependent on alcohol.
de·pen′dent·ly adv.


adjective Referring to the lowermost aspect of a body part or cavity; decubital ulcers occur on the dependent parts (e.g., sacrum), and abscesses and tumour masses tend to collect in the most dependent regions of a cavity (e.g., in the cul-de-sac in acute peritonitis), which is the most diagnostically-productive site for aspirated fluids (which are analysed in cytology).
Managed care
noun A health plan’s spouse and eligible child or other member who meets the applicable eligibility requirements of a group benefits agreement, and is enrolled in Plan under its provisions.
adjective See Dependent personality disorder.
Vox populi
noun Any person (e.g., wife, children, grandparents (occasionally) and other significant others) who relies on another for his or her financial support.


adjective Psychiatry See Dependent personality disorder noun Managed care A health plan's spouse and eligible child or other member who meets the applicable eligibility requirements of a Group Benefits Agreement and is enrolled in Plan under its provisions.


(dĕ-pen'dĕnt) In health care finance, a patient, other than the insured, who is entitled to coverage under the insured's policy; such designation varies widely depending on insurer or geographic or legal jurisdiction.

Patient discussion about dependent

Q. Is there any depression which is dependent on something. is there any depression which is dependent on something and whenever that thing strikes the depression arrives?A. Well Anthony, almost all depression had some known dependency on something. But its regular dependency and frequency increment or decrement will differ a lot. One kind of depression like seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is where every individual remains depressed every year at the same time, which may be due to seasonal changes like winter and summer. In SAD the depression arrives every year at the same time and it seems to be arrival of depression dependent on the season.

Q. What is the difference between alcoholism, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependent? A. Alcoholism is the high carve for drinking without caring for negative results it will have on physical, mental, emotional and social life. A binge drinker who continues to drink even though the problem has started in his normal life will lead to alcohol abuse and he may start the journey for alcoholism. In alcohol dependence the drinker steps up from the alcohol abuse and the crave increases in spite of the biggest problem on head. We can say that alcohol dependence is alcoholism.

Q. Does anyone have ideas for ways to overcome concentration problems without depending on medications? I'm reallllllly trying hard to study for my final exams and my ADD seems to bother me every time I touch the desk. Sometimes my thoughts fly out when I only think of how much I still have to study today!!! please- help if you can... I really don't want to start with meds...A. Omega-3 fatty acids, phosphatidylserine, zinc and magnesium may have benefits with regard to ADD symptoms. i take omega-3 fatty acids every day for the past year and it helped me go threw a ruff year of studying.

More discussions about dependent


Related to Dependent: Dependent personality disorder, dependent edema


A person whose support and maintenance is contingent upon the aid of another. Conditional.

A dependent is someone who is sustained by another person, such as a child supported by his or her parents.

In an insurance policy, the term legal dependent generally includes all of those people whom the insured person is under a legal duty to support, such as a spouse and minor children. A lawful dependent includes someone whom an insured person is permitted, but not required, to support.

That which is dependent is conditional upon the occurrence of another event. A dependent contract is an agreement between two parties that is conditional upon another agreement. For example, one person agrees to deliver goods to another person only after that person contracts to purchase such goods from the first person only for a certain designated period.


1) n. a person receiving support from another person (such as a parent), which may qualify the party supporting the dependent for an exemption to reduce his/her income taxes. 2) adj. requiring an event to occur, as the fulfillment of a contract is dependent on the expert being available.



Acceptance of a capital budgeting project contingent on the acceptance of another project.


An individual for whom another individual is financially responsible. For example, if a working mother has a child, the child is her dependent. Likewise, if a man is taking care of his father in his old age, the father is a dependent. One may normally receive a tax credit for dependents. See also: Child Tax Credit.


An individual who qualifies to be claimed as a dependent exemption on another person's income tax return.


Related to dependent: Dependent personality disorder, dependent edema
  • all
  • adj
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for dependent

adj reliant


  • reliant
  • vulnerable
  • helpless
  • incapable
  • powerless
  • needy
  • weak
  • defenceless


  • independent
  • self-reliant

phrase dependent on or upon


  • reliant on
  • relying on
  • supported by
  • counting on
  • leaning on
  • sustained by

phrase determined by


  • determined by
  • depending on
  • subject to
  • influenced by
  • relative to
  • liable to
  • conditional on
  • contingent on

phrase addicted to


  • addicted to
  • hooked on
  • over-reliant on

Synonyms for dependent

adj determined or to be determined by someone or something else


  • conditional
  • conditioned
  • contingent
  • relative
  • reliant
  • subject

adj in a position of subordination


  • collateral
  • subject
  • subordinate
  • subservient

noun a person who relies on another for support


  • charge
  • ward

Synonyms for dependent

noun a person who relies on another person for support (especially financial support)


  • dependant

Related Words

  • recipient
  • receiver
  • charge
  • minion

adj relying on or requiring a person or thing for support, supply, or what is needed

Related Words

  • unfree


  • independent

adj contingent on something else


  • dependant
  • qualified

Related Words

  • conditional

adj (of a clause) unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence


  • subordinate

Related Words

  • grammar


  • main
  • independent

adj held from above


  • pendant
  • pendent

Related Words

  • supported

adj being under the power or sovereignty of another or others


  • subject

Related Words

  • subordinate

adj addicted to a drug


  • drug-addicted
  • strung-out
  • dependant
  • hooked

Related Words

  • addicted




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