

单词 acm



abbr. asbestos-containing material


abbreviation for (Military) Air Chief Marshal



(body)The Association for Computing.


(communications)addressed call mode.


(Association for Computing Machinery, New York, www.acm.org) A membership organization founded in 1947 dedicated to advancing the arts and sciences of information processing. In addition to awards and publications, ACM also maintains special interest groups (SIGs) in the computer field.



abbr. asbestos-containing material


Abbreviation for:
acetaminophen (US)
acute cerebrospinal meningitis
adriamycin, cyclophosphamide, methotrexate
alcoholic cardiomyopathy
alveolar capillary membrane
Arnold Chiari malformation
assessment and care management (Medspeak-UK)


Abbreviation for alcoholic cardiomyopathy.


Arab Common Market

A proposed market allowing the free movement of goods, services, labor, and capital between all Arab countries. The Arab Common Market began with a proposal to create a customs union in 2007; it is intended to be in place by 2020. See also: MEFTA.


See asbestos containing material.


ACMAssociation for Computing Machinery
ACMAsbestos Containing Material
ACMAssociation of Computing Machinery
ACMAcademy of Country Music
ACMAssociated Colleges of the Midwest
ACMAutomobile Club de Monaco
ACMAlliance for Community Media
ACMAccess Control Mechanism (computing)
ACMAssociation of Children's Museums
ACMAriadne Content Manager (software)
ACMAcademy of Contemporary Music (UK)
ACMAsian Civilisations Museum (Singapore)
ACMApplied and Computational Mathematics (various schools)
ACMAluminum Composite Material
ACMAssociation of Cultural Managers (Russia)
ACMAudio Compression Manager
ACMAdvisory Committee Meeting (various locations)
ACMAlgorithms and Computation in Mathematics (Springer publication)
ACMAdvanced Construction Materials (various locations)
ACMAntonio Carlos Magalhães (Brazil´s senate president, circa 1999)
ACMAmerican Conservatory of Music (est. 1886)
ACMAmon Carter Museum (Westover Hills, TX)
ACMAdaptive Coding and Modulation (second generation operating feature of digital video broadcasting)
ACMAnacostia Community Museum (Washington, DC)
ACMAccess Control Manager (software and web-based program)
ACMAdvanced Call Manager (software)
ACMAudio Compression Module
ACMAdvanced Call Manager
ACMAccess Control Manager
ACMAccess Complete Message
ACMAudio Control Module
ACMAudio Codec Mapper
ACMAccess Control Machine
ACMAutomatic Constraint Mapping
ACMAccess Mode
ACMAccess Control Monitor
ACMAssociation for Computer Machinery
ACMAdvanced Compression Module
ACMAironet Client Manager
ACMAddress Control Machine
ACMAro Ciemme Motors
ACMActive Carrier Management
ACMAirbag Control Module
ACMAddress Complete Message
ACMAbstract Control Model (telecommunications)
ACMAdvanced Construction Management (various organizations)
ACMAsynchronous Computer Mediated (learning)
ACMAir Conditioning Maintenance
ACMAddress Complete Message (CCS #7)
ACMAlternative and Complementary Medicine
ACMAir Chief Marshal
ACMArnold Chiari Malformation
ACMAvaya Communication Manager (telephony software)
ACMAll China Made (airsoft gun manufacturing designation)
ACMAdvisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food (UK)
ACMApplication Compatibility Manager (Microsoft)
ACMAnnual Council Meeting (various locations)
ACMAdvanced Cruise Missile
ACMAir-Combat Maneuvering
ACMAdvanced Composite Material
ACMAccess Control Module
ACMAdvanced Computer Management (Muskego, WI)
ACMAll-Cause Mortality (cause of death)
ACMAccreditation Committee
ACMArts & Cultural Management (various organizations)
ACMAcer Classroom Manager (educational software)
ACMAir Cycle Machine
ACMAnti-Coalition Militia
ACMAdvanced Computer Modeling
ACMAutomated Checkout Machine (retail)
ACMAssociation for College Management (UK)
ACMAdvanced Currency Market
ACMAlong Came Mary
ACMAfghanistan Campaign Medal
ACMAccounts Management
ACMAsian Consumer Market (sector)
ACMAdaptive Computing Machine (Quick Silver)
ACMAnimal Care Manual
ACMAppropriate Care Measure (health care metric)
ACMAcquisition Career Manager
ACMAir Combat Maneuver(ing)
ACMAirport Certification Manual
ACMArab Common Market
ACMAliens: Colonial Marines (game)
ACMAviation Chief Metalsmith (military classification)
ACMAirspace Control Measures
ACMArticulated Concrete Mattress (civil engineering)
ACMAdvanced Cable Maintenance
ACMAdvanced Conventional Munitions
ACMActive Countermeasures
ACMAmerican Craft Museum (now Museum of Arts & Design)
ACMAutomatic Coin Machine
ACMArchive Classic Movies
ACMActing City Manager
ACMAdditional Crew Member
ACMAnnual Compliance Meeting
ACMAccumulated Call Meter
ACMAverage Current Mode
ACMAmerican Campaign Medal
ACMAggregate Contribution Margin
ACMAccredited Cruise Manager (travel)
ACMAcoustic Current Meters
ACMArchitecture and Construction Management
ACMAudio Codec Manager (Microsoft)
ACMAccredited Case Manager (American Case Management Association credential)
ACMAirspace Control Means
ACMAménagement, Commercialisation et Maintenance d'Aires de Jeux (French: Planning, Marketing and Maintenance of Playgrounds)
ACMAsian Center for Missions (est. 1995; interdenominational ministries; Makati City, Philippines)
ACMActive Channel Margin (aquatic habitat)
ACMAgency Credit Memo
ACMAircraft Characterization Module (US DoD)
ACMApproximate Conditional Mean (filter)
ACMAssociação Cristã dos Moços (Brazil; YMCA)
ACMAdministrative Controls Management, Inc
ACMAssociazione Calcio Milan S.P.A. (Italian soccer team)
ACMALSP Common Module
ACMAdaptive Clock Method
ACMAlarm Control Module
ACMAmerican Ceylon Mission
ACMAuxiliary Crewmember (US DoD)
ACMAutos-Canons-Mitrailleuses (Belgian armoured unit; World War I)
ACMAanderaa Current Meter
ACMActive Mine (mining industry)
ACMair contingency Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF)
ACMAdvanced Cooling Module (Cisco)
ACMAutomatic Control Module
ACMAcoustic Countermeasures
ACMAssociation Carabine Montpelliéraine (French: Montpellier Rifle Association)
ACMAttended Combat Macro (gaming)
ACMAnalog Control Module
ACMAttitude Calibration Module
ACMAssemblage of Computer Maniacs
ACMApplied Coastal Modeling
ACMAppointment Control Manager
ACMAutomatic Control Mode
ACMAir Conditioning Machine
ACMArea Club Management
ACMAvailability-Centered Maintenance
ACMAntyodaya Chetana Mandal
ACMAccess Cost Management
ACMAmerican Cedar and Millwork (Maryland)
ACMArea Composition Machine
ACMAlternate Contact Mode
ACMAutomated Cheque Manufacturing
ACMAssante Capital Management Ltd (Calgary, AB, Canada)
ACMAssociation des Cadres de Montréal
ACMAlpine Club Méditerranée (French: Mediterranean Alpine Club; automobile club)
ACMAuthorized Controlled Material
ACMAthletic Club Milan
ACMAlarm Control Management (Unit)
ACMAir Crew Manual
ACMArtificial Channel Method
ACMAugmented Counter Machine
ACMairspace coordinating measure
ACMAddress Claimed Message
ACMAerodynamic Configured Missile
ACMAssociate Commissioner for Modernization
ACMAssociation of Communication Managers
ACMAir Cooperation Mission (close air support of ground troops)
ACMAdvanced Countermeasures Module (SIRFC component)
ACMAsynchronous Channel Multiplexer
ACMAsociación Canina Marplatense
ACMAlternative Culture Movement
ACMAmerican Custom Motorsports
ACMAdvisory Compliance Message
ACMAntiarmor Cluster Munition
ACMAir Combat Maintenance
ACMAppleton Transit Center (Amtrak station code; Appleton, WI)
ACMAUTODIN Communications Module
ACMAcceleration and Control Modulator (Ski-Doo snowmobiles)
ACMAutomated Collection Management
ACMAutoCert Manager (Venafi)
ACMArray Correlation Matrix (digital signal processing)
ACMAutomobile Club de Menton (French automobile club; Menton, France)
ACMAménagement et Construction de Montpellier (French: Montpellier Planning and Construction)
ACMAutomata for Cellular and Molecular Computing (International Workshop)
ACMArteria Cerebralis Media




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