

Bloom, Leopoldhis ineffectual wandering about Dublin is contrasted with Ulysses’ epic adventures. [Irish Lit.: James Joyce Ulysses in Magill I, 1040]Bluntschli, Capt. Swiss officer prefers eating chocolates and making love to fighting. [Br. Drama: Shaw Arms and the Man in Benét, 51]Brown, Charliebumbling boy with low self-esteem. [Comics: “Peanuts” in Horn, 542–543]Cooke, Ebenezerhis every move denies all things heroic. [Am. Lit.: The Sot-Weed Factor]Hoover, Dwaynematerially successful car dealer whose only friend is his dog. [Am. Lit.: Breakfast of Champions]Meursaultthe 20th-century indifferent man to whom things happen because he allows them to. [Fr. Lit.: Camus The Stranger in Weiss, 445]Rosewater, Eliotunemployed heir who spends day buying drinks for volunteer firemen. [Am. Lit.: God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater]Spade, Samsemi-literate, tough-talking private eye; lacks culture. [Am. Lit.: The Maltese Falcon]