释义 |
Cheyne-Stokes psychosis Cheyne-Stokes psy·cho·sis (chān stōks), a mental state characterized by anxiety and restlessness, accompanying Cheyne-Stokes respiration.Cheyne, John, Scottish physician, 1777-1836. Cheyne nystagmusCheyne-Stokes breathing - Synonym(s): Cheyne-Stokes respirationCheyne-Stokes psychosis - a mental state characterized by anxiety and restlessness, accompanying Cheyne-Stokes respiration.Cheyne-Stokes respiration - the pattern of breathing characteristically seen in coma. Synonym(s): Cheyne-Stokes breathing
Stokes, William, Irish physician, 1804-1878. Adams-Stokes disease - Synonym(s): Adams-Stokes syndromeAdams-Stokes syncope - see under Adams, RobertAdams-Stokes syndrome - see under Adams, RobertCheyne-Stokes breathing - Synonym(s): Cheyne-Stokes respirationCheyne-Stokes psychosis - see under CheyneCheyne-Stokes respiration - see under CheyneMorgagni-Adams-Stokes syndrome - Synonym(s): Adams-Stokes syndromeStokes law - a muscle lying above an inflamed mucous or serous membrane is frequently the seat of paralysis.Stokes-Adams disease - Synonym(s): Adams-Stokes syndromeStokes-Adams syndrome - Synonym(s): Adams-Stokes syndrome |