Acronym | Definition |
DPP➣Democratic Progressive Party (Taiwan) |
DPP➣Dewan Pimpinan Pusat (Indonesian: Central Board) |
DPP➣Director of Public Prosecutions |
DPP➣Digital Photo Professional (software) |
DPP➣Division of Plasma Physics |
DPP➣Digital Photo Printer |
DPP➣Diabetes Prevention Program |
DPP➣Digital Photo Pro |
DPP➣Dipeptidyl-Peptidase |
DPP➣Drunken Peasants Podcast |
DPP➣Direction de la Prévention et de la Protection (French: Department of Prevention and Protection) |
DPP➣Diesel Performance Products |
DPP➣Deputy Public Prosecutor (various locations) |
DPP➣Defence Procurement Procedure (India) |
DPP➣Decapentaplegic |
DPP➣Papar (SIL Code, Mamlaysian language) |
DPP➣Determinantal Point Processes (statistics) |
DPP➣Director of Policy and Planning (various organizations) |
DPP➣Department of Plant Protection (Pakistan) |
DPP➣Development Project Proposal (Bangladesh) |
DPP➣Discharge-Produced Plasma (energy technology) |
DPP➣Department of Planning and Permitting |
DPP➣Dual Parallel Port |
DPP➣Direct Print Port |
DPP➣Data Path Processor |
DPP➣Dynamic Point to Point |
DPP➣Digital Photo Professional |
DPP➣Dots per Pixel |
DPP➣Dupont Personal Protection (various locations) |
DPP➣Data Protection and Privacy |
DPP➣Digital Pulse Processor |
DPP➣Democratic People's Party (South Korea) |
DPP➣Division of Purchase and Property |
DPP➣Department of Public Policy |
DPP➣District Policing Partnerships |
DPP➣Department of Public Prosecutions |
DPP➣Dirty Petroleum Products |
DPP➣Dogs Playing Poker |
DPP➣Dossier de Pratique Professionnelle (French: Record of Professional Practice) |
DPP➣Diphenylporphyrin |
DPP➣Direct Participation Program |
DPP➣Deferred Payment Plan |
DPP➣Dark Passion Play (Nightwish album) |
DPP➣Discounted Payback Period |
DPP➣Digitally Programmable Potentiometer |
DPP➣Development Partnerships with the Private Sector (Germany) |
DPP➣Denver Pet Partners (Denver, CO) |
DPP➣Development Policy and Practice |
DPP➣Drill Pipe Pressure (oil engineering) |
DPP➣Division of Psychiatry Products (US FDA) |
DPP➣Division of Parole and Probation |
DPP➣Dentin Phosphoprotein |
DPP➣Dendroctone du Pin Ponderosa (French: Mountain Pine Beetle) |
DPP➣Domestic Preparedness Program |
DPP➣Direct Purchase Plan |
DPP➣Disaster Prevention and Preparedness |
DPP➣Delinquency Prevention Program (various locations) |
DPP➣Deployment Prescription Program (US DoD) |
DPP➣Data Patch Panel (US DoD) |
DPP➣Downtown Phoenix Partnership (Phoenix, AZ) |
DPP➣Doctor Patient Partnership |
DPP➣Distributed Production Program (US DoD) |
DPP➣Dyfed-Powys Police (UK) |
DPP➣DirectPadPro |
DPP➣Digital Personal Property |
DPP➣Department of Professional Practice |
DPP➣Developer Partner Program (software) |
DPP➣Distributed Parallel Processing |
DPP➣Duplicate Primary Payment (Medicare) |
DPP➣Dining Philosophers Problem |
DPP➣Détermination du Projet Professionnel (French: Determination of the Professional Project) |
DPP➣Damage Prevention Program (various programs) |
DPP➣Defect Prevention Process |
DPP➣Data Processing Program |
DPP➣Digital Pen Paper (various companies) |
DPP➣Duchenne Parent Project |
DPP➣Detailed Project Program |
DPP➣Direct Payment Plan |
DPP➣Delinquency Prevention Pilot (Los Angeles, CA) |
DPP➣DuPont Pharmaceuticals (USA) |
DPP➣Direct Private Placement (investments) |
DPP➣Dedicated-Path Protection |
DPP➣Dollar Phone Pinless (calls) |
DPP➣Defense Program Projection |
DPP➣Disposable Plotter Pen |
DPP➣Development Partner Profiles (UN) |
DPP➣Disaster Preparedness Planning |
DPP➣Developing Patient Partnership |
DPP➣Developing Policies and Procedures |
DPP➣Disaster Preparedness Project |
DPP➣Dance Party Productions |
DPP➣Deprogram Program (Israli music website) |
DPP➣Deliberate Planning Process |
DPP➣Dedicated Procurement Program |
DPP➣Disabilities Prevention Program (NCEH) |
DPP➣Diocesan Pastoral Plan |
DPP➣Designated Priority Program (New York) |
DPP➣Dictionary Parsing Project |
DPP➣Digital Picture Processing |
DPP➣Direct Participation Plan (finance) |
DPP➣Distributed Processing Peripheral |
DPP➣Data Project Plan |
DPP➣Democratic Peace Proposition |
DPP➣Deferred Prosecution Probation |
DPP➣Delegated Production Program (DIA) |
DPP➣Distributed Pre-Planning (restoration method) |
DPP➣Disaster Processing Procedures (FEMA) |
DPP➣Doctrine and Pastoral Practices |
DPP➣Difference Pulse Polarography |
DPP➣Development Process Plan |
DPP➣Discount Power Pack (leasing) |
DPP➣Document Preparation and Production |
DPP➣Department Policy & Procedure |
DPP➣Distributor Policies and Pricing |
DPP➣Defense Planning Projection |
DPP➣Serif Draw File (file name extension) |
DPP➣Digital Preprocessor |
DPP➣Diploma in Law - Paralegal Practice |
DPP➣Dominated Path Pruning |
DPP➣Distribution Power Panel |
DPP➣Dial Plan Provisioning (Cisco) |
DPP➣Dielectric-Filled Parallel Plate |
DPP➣Delivery Planning Package |
DPP➣Dewan Pemuda PAS (Parti Islam Se-Malaysia; Malay: PAS (Islamic Party of Malaysia) Youth Council) |
DPP➣Daily Practice Problem (education) |
DPP➣Detailed Production Planning |
DPP➣División de Protección de Personalidades (Spanish: Division of Protection of Persons; Guatemala) |