

单词 alienation



A0200000 (āl′yə-nā′shən, ā′lē-ə-)n.1. The act of alienating or the condition of being alienated; estrangement: Alcoholism often leads to the alienation of family and friends.2. Emotional isolation or dissociation.3. Law The act of transferring property or title to it to another.


(ˌeɪljəˈneɪʃən; ˌeɪlɪə-) n1. a turning away; estrangement2. the state of being an outsider or the feeling of being isolated, as from society3. (Psychiatry) psychiatry a state in which a person's feelings are inhibited so that eventually both the self and the external world seem unreal4. (Law) law a. the transfer of property, as by conveyance or will, into the ownership of anotherb. the right of an owner to dispose of his property


(ˌeɪl yəˈneɪ ʃən, ˌeɪ li ə-)

n. 1. the act of alienating; the state of being alienated. 2. Law. a transfer of the title to property by one person to another; conveyance. 3. the state of being withdrawn from the objective world. [1350–1400; Middle English < Latin] al′ien•a`tive, adj.


abalienation.See also: Separation


1. A concept first introduced by Marx and since used in a variety of contexts. Loosely defined, it means the separation of the individual from important aspects of the external world accompanied by a feeling of powerlessness or lack of control. A person may feel alienated from themselves or from society.2. A state in which a person feels detached from the outside world and sometimes from his or her own feelings.
Noun1.alienation - the feeling of being alienated from other peoplealienation - the feeling of being alienated from other peopledisaffection, estrangementdislike - a feeling of aversion or antipathy; "my dislike of him was instinctive"isolation - a feeling of being disliked and alone
2.alienation - separation resulting from hostilityalienation - separation resulting from hostilityestrangementisolation - a state of separation between persons or groups
3.alienation - (law) the voluntary and absolute transfer of title and possession of real property from one person to anotheralienation - (law) the voluntary and absolute transfer of title and possession of real property from one person to another; "the power of alienation is an essential ingredient of ownership"transference, transfer - transferring ownershiplaw, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by authority; "civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"
4.alienation - the action of alienatingalienation - the action of alienating; the action of causing to become unfriendly; "his behavior alienated the other students"action - something done (usually as opposed to something said); "there were stories of murders and other unnatural actions"


noun estrangement, setting against, divorce, withdrawal, separation, turning away, indifference, breaking off, diversion, rupture, disaffection, remoteness Her sense of alienation from the world disappeared.


noun1. The act of estranging or the condition of being estranged:disaffection, estrangement.2. An interruption in friendly relations:breach, break, disaffection, estrangement, fissure, rent, rift, rupture, schism, split.3. Psychology. Serious mental illness or disorder impairing a person's capacity to function normally and safely:brainsickness, craziness, dementia, derangement, disturbance, insaneness, insanity, lunacy, madness, mental illness, psychopathy, unbalance.Psychiatry: mania.Psychology: aberration.4. Law. A making over of legal ownership or title:Law: assignment, conveyance, grant, transfer, transferal.


(ˈeiliən) adjective foreign. alien customs. 外國的 外国的 noun1. a foreigner. Aliens are not welcome there. 外國人 外侨2. a creature from another planet. aliens from outer space; He claims that he was abducted by aliens. 外星人 外星人ˈalienate (-neit) verb to make someone feel unfriendly to one. He alienated his wife by his cruelty to her. 使疏遠 使疏远ˌalieˈnation noun 疏遠 疏远



 [āl″yen-a´shun] 1. estrangement from society; feelings of being an outsider, foreigner, or outcast.2. estrangement from one's self; feelings of unreality or depersonalization.3. alienation of affect; isolation of ideas from feelings, avoidance of emotional situations, and other efforts to estrange one's self from one's feelings.


(ā-lē-en-ā'shŭn), A condition characterized by a lack of meaningful relationships with others, sometimes resulting in depersonalization and estrangement from others. [L. alieno, pp. -atus, to make strange]


(āl′yə-nā′shən, ā′lē-ə-)n.1. The act of alienating or the condition of being alienated; estrangement: Alcoholism often leads to the alienation of family and friends.2. Emotional isolation or dissociation.
(1) The feeling of being apart from or unattached to others; estrangement felt in a setting viewed as foreign, unpredictable, or unacceptable, as occurs in depersonalization; the sensation that one has been removed from friends, family or one’s usual social setting; cultural estrangement
(2) The sense of being removed from one’s own emotions—alienation of affect


Psychiatry 1. The sensation that one has been removed from friends, family or one's usual social setting; cultural estrangement. See Depersonalization.2. The sense of being removed from one's own emotions–alienation of affect.


(ā'lē-ĕn-ā'shŭn) A condition characterized by lack of meaningful relationships with others, sometimes resulting in depersonalization and estrangement from others. [L. alieno, pp. -atus, to make strange]


1. A state of estrangement from, or inability to relate to, other people, concepts, social norms, or even oneself. Alienation, especially of the latter type, may be a feature of psychiatric disorder, but equally it may result from an accurate perception of the social environment. 2. A feeling that one's thoughts and emotions are under the control of someone else or that others have access to one's mind. One of the symptoms of SCHIZOPHRENIA.

Patient discussion about alienation

Q. my dad has msa, he has recently started seeing things, eg aliens, government consp.ext not fully reconzing lov does not reconize loved ones while having these episodes, becomes anxious and ill manered just not like my dad at all, he's so quite and polite normally.A. Multi Systems Atrophy = MSA
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Related to alienation: Parental alienation


n. the transfer of title to real property, voluntarily and completely. It does not apply to interests other than title, such as a mortgages. (See: alien)


the transfer of property, as by conveyance or will, into the ownership of another.

ALIENATION, estates. Alienation is an act whereby one man transfers theproperty and possession of lands, tenements, or other things, to another. Itis commonly applied to lands or tenements, as to alien (that is, to convey)land in fee, in mortmain. Termes de la ley. See Co. Litt. 118 b; Cruise Dig.tit. 32, c. 1, Sec. 1-8.
2. Alienations may be made by deed; by matter of record; and by devise.
3. Alienations by deed may be made by original or primary conveyances,which are those by means of which the benefit or estate is created or firstarises; by derivative or secondary conveyances, by which the benefit orestate originally created, is enlarged, restrained, transferred, orextinguished. These are conveyances by the common law. To these may be addedsome conveyances which derive their force and operation from the statute ofuses. The original conveyances are the following: 1. Feoffment; 2. Gift; 3.Grant; 4. Lease; 6. Exchange; 6. Partition. The derivative are, 7. Release;8. Confirmation; 9. Surrender; 10. Assignment; 11. Defeasance. Thosederiving their force from the statute of uses, are, 12. Covenants to standseised to uses; 13. Bargains and sales; 14. Lease and release; 15. Deeds tolend or declare the uses of other more direct conveyances; 16. Deeds ofrevocation of uses. 2 Bl. Com. ch. 20. Vide Conveyance; Deed. Alienations bymatter of record may be, 1. By private acts of the legislature; 2. Bygrants, as by patents of lands; 3. By fines; 4. By common recovery.Alienations may also be made by devise (q.v.)

ALIENATION, med. jur. The term alienation or mental alienation is a genericexpression to express the different kinds of aberrations of the humanunderstanding. Dict. des Science Med. h.t.; 1 Beck's Med. Jur. 535.



In law, the ability to transfer a property to another party, either by sale or gift. Most property is alienable, but subject to certain restrictions. For example, a property may be temporarily inalienable because a third party has right of first refusal on it.


the separation of people from their essential qualities as human beings in capitalist societies. Karl Marx (1818-83), who first developed the concept, believed that ‘free conscious activity’ was the hallmark of human activity Work in modern capitalist society, which involves the worker producing goods and services for the profit of an employer and in a manner dictated by the employer, separates (i.e. alienates) people from their essence. In effect an individual's labour power is reduced to a commodity to be bought and sold. Job dissatisfaction may well result, but the possibility arises that alienation from ‘true’ human desires is so deep that individuals have no standard against which to compare their lot and hence may nevertheless experience job satisfaction. Since alienation, as defined here, has no clear discernible relationship with SATISFACTION, many critics have argued that its use in the analysis of work attitudes and behaviour is decidedly limited.

A closer link between alienation and job satisfaction has been provided by American sociologist Robert Blauner (1929 -). He defined alienation as a ‘fragmentation in man's consciousness’, experienced as dissatisfaction. The dimensions of this are a sense of powerlessness (i.e. inability to control what happens at work), a feeling of meaninglessness (i.e. the job tasks seem pointless), a sense of isolation from others, and a feeling of self-estrangement (i.e. that one's creativity is stifled). In Blauner's view, technology is the most important determinant of alienation.

In assembly-line work (see FORDISM) alienation reaches its peak. By contrast, more recent process technology, in which the worker oversees a range of operations rather than being subjugated to the machine, is associated with lower levels of alienation. The logic of Blauner's account, in contrast to that of Marx, is that alienation can be reduced by managerial policies to modify the nature of workers'tasks (see JOB DESIGN AND REDESIGN) and to integrate workers into a work community (see HUMAN RELATIONS). See ANOMIE.


The act of transferring ownership or some partial interest in real property from one person to another. Voluntary alienation occurs when one executes a deed or a lease. Involuntary alienation occurs when there is a foreclosure,tax sale,or condemnation.


Related to alienation: Parental alienation
  • noun

Synonyms for alienation

noun estrangement


  • estrangement
  • setting against
  • divorce
  • withdrawal
  • separation
  • turning away
  • indifference
  • breaking off
  • diversion
  • rupture
  • disaffection
  • remoteness

Synonyms for alienation

noun the act of estranging or the condition of being estranged


  • disaffection
  • estrangement

noun an interruption in friendly relations


  • breach
  • break
  • disaffection
  • estrangement
  • fissure
  • rent
  • rift
  • rupture
  • schism
  • split

noun serious mental illness or disorder impairing a person's capacity to function normally and safely


  • brainsickness
  • craziness
  • dementia
  • derangement
  • disturbance
  • insaneness
  • insanity
  • lunacy
  • madness
  • mental illness
  • psychopathy
  • unbalance
  • mania
  • aberration

noun a making over of legal ownership or title


  • assignment
  • conveyance
  • grant
  • transfer
  • transferal

Synonyms for alienation

noun the feeling of being alienated from other people


  • disaffection
  • estrangement

Related Words

  • dislike
  • isolation

noun separation resulting from hostility


  • estrangement

Related Words

  • isolation

noun (law) the voluntary and absolute transfer of title and possession of real property from one person to another

Related Words

  • transference
  • transfer
  • law
  • jurisprudence

noun the action of alienating

Related Words

  • action




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