释义 |
cyto-(word root) cellExamples of words with the root cyto-: cytoplasmcyto- or cyt-pref. Cell: cytoplasm. [From Greek kutos, hollow vessel; see (s)keu- in Indo-European roots.]cyto- combining form (Biology) indicating a cell: cytolysis; cytoplasm. [from Greek kutos vessel, container; related to kuein to contain]cyto- a combining form meaning “cell”: cytoplasm. Compare -cyte. [< Greek kyto-, comb. form of kýtos container, receptacle, body] cyto- A prefix meaning "cell," as in the word cytoplasm.EncyclopediaSee-cytecyto-
cyto- , cyt- (sī'tō, sīt), Do not confuse this combining form with sito-.A cell. [G. kytos, a hollow (cell)] cyto- , cyt-Combining forms meaning a cell. [G. kytos, a hollow (cell)]cyto-, cyt- [Gr. kytos, cell] Prefixes meaning cell.CYTO-
Acronym | Definition |
CYTO-➣Cell (Biology) |