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cystourethrocele cys·to·u·re·thro·cele (sis'tō-yū-rē'thrō-sēl), Hernia of the urinary bladder and urethra. [cysto- + urethra + G. kēlē, hernia] cystourethrocele A herniation of the urinary bladder and urethra, accompanied by abnormal protrusion of adjacent tissues into the bladder or urethracystourethrocele (sĭs″tō-ū-rē′thrō-sēl) [″ + ″ + kele, tumor, swelling] Prolapse of the bladder and urethra of the female. CystourethroceleBulging of the bladder neck into the vagina.Mentioned in: Pelvic Relaxation |