释义 |
cystolitholapaxy cy·sto·lith·o·la·pax·y (sis'tō-lith'ō-lā-paks'ē), Removal of bladder calculi by intravesical crushing and then irrigating to remove fragments. [cysto- + G. lithos, stone, + lapaxis, and emptying out] cy·sto·lith·o·la·pax·y (sis'tō-lith'ō-lā-paks-ē) Removal of bladder calculi by intravesical crushing and then irrigating to remove fragments. [cysto- + G. lithos, stone, + lapaxis, and emptying out]cystolitholapaxy (sĭs″tō-lĭth-ŏl′ă-păk-sē) [″ + ″] The removal of a kidney stone from the bladder by crushing the particles and extracting them by irrigation. |