Alice in Wonderland syndrome
Al·ice in Won·der·land syn·drome
Neurology (1) A neurological condition that causes distorted visuals that make objects appear either much smaller (micropsia) or larger (macropsia) than they are
(2) A coinage for depersonalisation, altered perceptions of body image, visual hallucination, feelings of levitation, metamorphosis
Aetiology Migraine aura, simple or complex partial seizures, also in hypnagogic, delirium, encephalitis, brain masses, drug overdose, schizophrenia
Paediatrics A perceptual distortion as a presenting symptom of infectious mononucleosis that may be accompanied by convulsions, ataxia, nuchal rigidity, meningitis with mononuclear cells in the cerebrosinal fluid, encephalitis, transverse myelitis, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barré syndrome
Substance abuse Distortions of time, space, and sensation associated with hallucinogens