

(ˈkɒrədɪ) n, pl -dies (Historical Terms) a variant spelling of corody


or cor•ro•dy

(ˈkɔr ə di, ˈkɒr-)

n., pl. -dies. 1. a right in old English law to receive maintenance, esp. the right of a benefactor to receive housing, food, etc., from a religious house. 2. the housing, food, etc., so received. [1375–1425; late Middle English corrodie < Anglo-French < Medieval Latin corrōdium outfit, provision, variant of conrēdium < Vulgar Latin *conrēd(āre) to outfit, provide with (con- con- + *-rēdāre < Germanic; compare Old English rædan to equip, provide for, ready) + Latin -ium -ium1]