August 13, 2017

August 13, 2017


Abbotsford International Air Show (August)
Baths of Caracalla (First week in July to second week in August)
Central African Republic Independence Day (August 13; December 1)
Congo Independence Day Celebration (August 13-15)
Festival Interceltique (First Friday in August until second Sunday in August)
Fox Hill Festival (Second week in August)
Hobo Convention (One week in mid-August)
Hope Watermelon Festival (Second weekend in August)
Hora at Prislop (Second Sunday in August)
Jour de Fete Ste. Genevieve (Second full weekend in August)
Mount Ceahlau Feast (Second Sunday in August)
Old Fiddler's Convention (Second week in August)
Omak Stampede and Suicide Race (Second weekend in August)

Legal Holidays by Countries

Independence DayCentral African Republic
Women's DayTunisia