Farabeuf amputation

Far·a·beuf am·pu·ta·tion

(fahr-ă-buf'), 1. amputation of the leg, the flap being large and on the outer side; 2. amputation of the foot; disarticulation of the foot through the subtalar joint and the talo-navicular joint.

Far·a·beuf am·pu·ta·tion

(fahr'ă-buf amp'yū-tā'shŭn) 1. Surgical removal of the leg, the flap being large and on the outer side. 2. Surgical removal of the foot; disarticulation of the foot through the subtalar joint and the talonavicular joint.


Louis H., French surgeon, 1841-1910. Farabeuf amputation - amputation of the leg or of the foot.Farabeuf bone-holding forcepsFarabeuf double-ended retractorFarabeuf elevatorFarabeuf forcepsFarabeuf raspatoryFarabeuf retractorFarabeuf sawFarabeuf triangle - the triangle formed by the internal jugular and facial veins and the hypoglossal nerve.