Chevakinskii, Savva Ivanovich
Chevakinskii, Savva Ivanovich
Born in 1713 in the village of Veshki, near Torzhok, in present-day Kalinin Oblast; died sometime between 1774 and 1780 in St. Petersburg (?). Russian architect.
Chevakinskii, a representative of mid-18th-century Russian baroque, studied under I. K. Korobov from 1732 to 1738. He was the chief architect of the Admiralty College from 1741 to 1767. His students included V. I. Bazhenov and I. E. Starov. Chevakinskii blended elements of 17th-century Russian architecture with devices from classical architecture. His works are marked by balanced and precise spatial composition, by sensitivity to the silhouette, and by lavish and colorful ornament.
Chevakinskii participated in the design of the palace and park complex in Tsarskoe Selo (1745–60). His buildings in Leningrad include the palace of P. B. Sheremetev on the Fontanka (1750–55), the palace of I. I. Shuvalov (1753–55), and the Naval Cathedral of St. Nicholas (1753–62). Chevakinskii also redesigned the Kunstkamera (1754–58) and the New Holland Warehouses (1765–80) in Leningrad.
Petrov, A. N. “S. I. Chevakinskii i peterburgskaia arkhitektura serediny XVIII v.” In Russkaia arkhitektura pervoi poloviny XVIII v: Issledovnaiia i materialy. Moscow, 1954.Borisova, E. A. “S. I. Chevakinskii i arkhitekturnoe obrazovanie pervoi poloviny XVIII v.” In the collection Russkoe iskusstvo XVIII v. Moscow, 1968.