Barnwell State Park
Barnwell State Park
Location:Off SC 3, 7 miles northeast of Barnwell.
Facilities:25 campsites, primitive group camp, 5 cabins, picnic area, 4 picnic shelters, interpretive trail, boat rentals, fishing pier, meeting facility, comfort station.
Activities:Camping, boating (non-motorized; no private boats), fishing.
Special Features:Located in the coastal plain, the park features two small lakes, good for largemouth bass, catfish, crappie, and bluegill fishing. The park was originally constructed by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the 1930s; examples of their work can be seen at the spillway, picnic shelters, and the lower lake.
Address:223 State Park Rd
Blackville, SC 29817
Size: 307 acres.
See other parks in South Carolina.