

单词 blessing



B0322300 (blĕs′ĭng)n.1. The act of one that blesses.2. A short prayer said before or after a meal; grace.3. Something promoting or contributing to happiness, well-being, or prosperity; a boon.4. Approbation; approval: This plan has my blessing.


(ˈblɛsɪŋ) n1. the act of invoking divine protection or aid2. the words or ceremony used for this3. a short prayer of thanksgiving before or after a meal; grace4. (Judaism) Judaism a. a short prayer prescribed for a specific occasion and beginning "Blessed art thou, O Lord…"b. a section of the liturgy including a similar formula5. approval; good wishes: her father gave his blessing to the marriage. 6. the bestowal of a divine gift or favour7. a happy event or state of affairs: a blessing in disguise.


(ˈblɛs ɪŋ)

n. 1. the act or words of a person who blesses. 2. a special favor, mercy, or benefit: the blessings of liberty. 3. a favor or gift bestowed by God, thereby bringing happiness. 4. the invoking of God's favor upon a person. 5. praise; devotion; worship, esp. grace said before a meal. 6. approval or good wishes. [before 900]
Noun1.blessing - the formal act of approvingblessing - the formal act of approving; "he gave the project his blessing"; "his decision merited the approval of any sensible person"approval, approvingadoption, acceptance, acceptation, espousal - the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception; "its adoption by society"; "the proposal found wide acceptance"support - aiding the cause or policy or interests of; "the president no longer has the support of his own party"; "they developed a scheme of mutual support"backing, patronage, championship, backup - the act of providing approval and support; "his vigorous backing of the conservatives got him in trouble with progressives"admiration, appreciation - a favorable judgment; "a small token in admiration of your works"reward, reinforcement - an act performed to strengthen approved behavior
2.blessing - a desirable stateblessing - a desirable state; "enjoy the blessings of peace"; "a spanking breeze is a boon to sailors"boongood fortune, good luck, luckiness - an auspicious state resulting from favorable outcomesmercy - something for which to be thankful; "it was a mercy we got out alive"
3.blessing - a short prayer of thanks before a mealblessing - a short prayer of thanks before a meal; "their youngest son said grace"thanksgiving, graceorison, petition, prayer - reverent petition to a deity
4.blessing - a ceremonial prayer invoking divine protectionblessing - a ceremonial prayer invoking divine protectionbenedictionorison, petition, prayer - reverent petition to a deitybenison - a spoken blessing
5.blessing - the act of praying for divine protectionblessing - the act of praying for divine protectionbenedictionprayer, supplication - the act of communicating with a deity (especially as a petition or in adoration or contrition or thanksgiving); "the priest sank to his knees in prayer"


noun1. benefit, help, service, profit, gain, advantage, favour, gift, windfall, kindness, boon, good fortune, bounty, godsend, manna from heaven the blessings of prosperity
benefit damage, harm, disadvantage, drawback, misfortune, deprivation
2. approval, backing, support, agreement, regard, favour, sanction, go-ahead (informal), permission, leave, consent, mandate, endorsement, green light, ratification, assent, authorization, good wishes, acquiescence, approbation, concurrence, O.K. or okay (informal) They gave their formal blessing to the idea.
approval objection, disapproval, reproof, disfavour
3. benediction, grace, dedication, thanksgiving, invocation, commendation, consecration, benison He said the blessing after taking the bread.
benediction curse, condemnation, malediction


noun1. A short prayer said at meals:benediction, grace, thanks, thanksgiving.2. Something beneficial:advantage, avail, benefit, boon, favor, gain, profit.


(bles) past tense blessed: past participles blessed ~blest – to ask God to show favour to. Bless this ship. 求神保佑 求神赐福于,祝福,保佑 blessed (ˈblesid) adjective holy. the Blessed Virgin. 受上帝祝福的,神聖的 神圣的ˈblessedly (-sid-) adverb 受上帝祝福地 幸福地,神圣地 ˈblessedness (-sid-) noun 受上帝祝福 天恩ˈblessing noun1. a wish or prayer for happiness or success. The priest gave them his blessing. 賜福,祝福,保佑 祝福,赐福,保佑,恩典 2. any cause of happiness. Her son was a great blessing to her. 帶來快樂的人、事或物 带来快乐的人、事或物,有益之事 3. a prayer of thanks to God before and/or after a meal. 飯前或飯後的感恩禱告 (教徒在饭前或饭后的)感恩祷告 a blessing in disguise something that has proved to be fortunate after seeming unfortunate. 塞翁失馬, 因禍得福 塞翁失马,因祸得福


give thanks for small blessings

To appreciate small or minor benefits, advantages, or opportunities one is afforded, particularly in the midst of an otherwise difficult, frustrating, or unfortunate situation or circumstance. My car's air conditioning stopped working two hours into my cross-country road trip. The radio still works, though, so I suppose I should give thanks for small blessings. Our son's accident left him without the use of his right eye; we're just giving thanks for small blessings that he still has the use of his left one.See also: blessing, give, small, thanks

be grateful for small blessings

To appreciate small or minor benefits, advantages, or opportunities one is afforded, particularly in the midst of an otherwise difficult, frustrating, or unfortunate situation or circumstance. My car's air conditioning stopped working two hours into my cross-country road trip across America. The radio still works, though, so I guess I should be grateful for small blessings. Our son's accident left him without the use of his right eye; we're just grateful for small blessings that he still has the use of his left one.See also: blessing, grateful, small

count (one's) blessings

To reflect on the good things in one's life and be grateful for them. I know you're disappointed that you didn't come in first, but so many other incredible things have happened to you this year. Count your blessings, my darling. I try to count my blessings every day—it's a great antidote to sadness!See also: blessing, count

a blessing in disguise

An unfortunate event or situation that results in an unforeseen positive outcome. Running late for work turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I would have been in the middle of that big multi-car pileup had I left the house on time.See also: blessing, disguise

be a blessing in disguise

To result in an unforeseen positive outcome. Running late for work turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I would have been in the middle of that big multi-car pileup had I left the house on time.See also: blessing, disguise

be a mixed blessing

To have both positive and negative results. My new promotion will be a mixed blessing for my family because I'll get a substantial raise, but I'll have to work longer hours too.See also: blessing, mixed

a mixed blessing

A situation or circumstance that has both positive and negative results. My new promotion will be a mixed blessing for my family because I'll get a substantial raise, but I'll have to work longer hours too.See also: blessing, mixed

thank God for small blessings

To appreciate and be thankful for any benefits, advantages, or opportunities one are afforded, no matter how minor or inconsequential. Used particularly in the midst of an otherwise difficult, frustrating, or unfortunate situation or circumstance. My car's air conditioning stopped working two hours into my cross-country road trip across America. The radio still worked, though—thank God for small blessings. Our son's accident left him without the use of his right eye, but he still has the use of his left one, so we're thanking God for small blessings.See also: blessing, god, small, thank

be thankful for small blessings

To appreciate small or minor benefits, advantages, or opportunities that one is afforded, particularly in the midst of an otherwise difficult, frustrating, or unfortunate situation or circumstance. My car's air conditioning stopped working two hours into my cross-country road trip across America. The radio still works, though, so I guess I should be thankful for small blessings. Our son's accident left him without the use of his right eye. We're just thankful for small blessings that he still has the use of his left one.See also: blessing, small, thankful

blessing in disguise

Fig. something that at first seems bad, but later turns out to be beneficial. Tony's motorcycle accident was a blessing in disguise, because he got enough insurance money from the other driver to make a down payment on a house. Dad's illness was a blessing in disguise; it brought the family together for the first time in years.See also: blessing, disguise

*thankful for small blessings

grateful for any small benefits or advantages one has, especially in a generally difficult situation. (Typically: be ~; become ~.) We have very little money, but we must be thankful for small blessings. At least we have enough food. Bob was badly injured in the accident, but at least he's still alive. Let's be thankful for small blessings.See also: blessing, small, thankful

with my blessing

a phrase expressing consent or agreement; yes. Bob: Can I take this old coat down to the rummage sale? Sue: With my blessing. Mary: Shall I drive Uncle Tom to the airport a few hours early? Sue: Oh, yes! With my blessing!See also: blessing

blessing in disguise

A misfortune that unexpectedly turns into good fortune, as in Missing the train was a blessing in disguise, for if I hadn't, I wouldn't have met my future wife . [Mid-1700s] See also: blessing, disguise

give thanks for small blessings

Express gratitude for a minor favor or advantage, as in My bag didn't get on the plane but it did arrive in time-give thanks for small blessings. This expression is usually uttered when one encounters an unexpected bit of good fortune. See also: blessing, give, small, thanks

mixed blessing

Something that has both good and bad features, as in Being accepted by the college was a mixed blessing, since she couldn't afford the tuition . [First half of 1900s] See also: blessing, mixed

a blessing in disguise

COMMON If an event is a blessing in disguise, it causes problems at first, but later brings greater advantages. Franklin's illness proved a blessing in disguise, for it gave him strength and courage which he had not had before. The defeat might be a blessing in disguise — she now avoids a quarter final clash with America's Linda Harvey-Wild. Other observers feel the split may be a blessing in disguise for the organization.See also: blessing, disguise

a blessing in disguise

an apparent misfortune that eventually has good results.See also: blessing, disguise

count your blessings

be grateful for what you have. 2003 The Hindu: Literary Review At forty you ruminate. Mostly about life and what it has done to you. At forty you count your blessings. And accept the bitter dollops that have been flung your way. See also: blessing, count

a mixed blessing

something good which nevertheless has some disadvantages.See also: blessing, mixed

a blessing in disˈguise

a thing that seems bad, unpleasant, etc. at first but that has advantages in the end: Not getting that job was a blessing in disguise, as the firm went out of business only a few months later.See also: blessing, disguise

count your ˈblessings

realize how lucky you are and not complain: Stop looking so miserable and count your blessings! At least you’ve still got a job and somewhere to live.See also: blessing, count

a ˌmixed ˈblessing

something good, pleasant, fortunate, etc. which also has disadvantages: Living in such a beautiful old castle is something of a mixed blessing. Just think of the heating bills, for example.See also: blessing, mixed

blessing in disguise, a

Good luck coming out of bad; a misfortune unexpectedly turning into a good thing. “E’en crosses from his sov’reign hand are blessings in disguise,” wrote the eighteenth-century poet James Hervey, “cross” here meaning “a cross to bear,” or burden. The phrase has been a cliché for about a century.See also: blessing

count one's blessings

Appreciate what one has, or one’s good fortune. This Pollyanna-like phrase is often used to help avoid worrying about what one lacks or one’s bad luck. (Pollyanna, a children’s book from the early 1900s by Eleanor H. Porter, is the story of an orphan girl who remains resolutely cheerful and sweet-tempered in the face of considerable adversity.) A modern version of the cliché is think positive.See also: blessing, count

mixed blessing, a

A fortunate occurrence that has some unhappy elements. The OED’s first citation of this phrase is dated 1933, in Discovery (October issue): “The introduction of European influences may prove a mixed blessing.”See also: mixed



Judaisma. a short prayer prescribed for a specific occasion and beginning "Blessed art thou, O Lord…" b. a section of the liturgy including a similar formula


  • noun

Synonyms for blessing

noun benefit


  • benefit
  • help
  • service
  • profit
  • gain
  • advantage
  • favour
  • gift
  • windfall
  • kindness
  • boon
  • good fortune
  • bounty
  • godsend
  • manna from heaven


  • damage
  • harm
  • disadvantage
  • drawback
  • misfortune
  • deprivation

noun approval


  • approval
  • backing
  • support
  • agreement
  • regard
  • favour
  • sanction
  • go-ahead
  • permission
  • leave
  • consent
  • mandate
  • endorsement
  • green light
  • ratification
  • assent
  • authorization
  • good wishes
  • acquiescence
  • approbation
  • concurrence
  • O.K. or okay


  • objection
  • disapproval
  • reproof
  • disfavour

noun benediction


  • benediction
  • grace
  • dedication
  • thanksgiving
  • invocation
  • commendation
  • consecration
  • benison


  • curse
  • condemnation
  • malediction

Synonyms for blessing

noun a short prayer said at meals


  • benediction
  • grace
  • thanks
  • thanksgiving

noun something beneficial


  • advantage
  • avail
  • benefit
  • boon
  • favor
  • gain
  • profit

Synonyms for blessing

noun the formal act of approving


  • approval
  • approving

Related Words

  • adoption
  • acceptance
  • acceptation
  • espousal
  • support
  • backing
  • patronage
  • championship
  • backup
  • admiration
  • appreciation
  • reward
  • reinforcement

noun a desirable state


  • boon

Related Words

  • good fortune
  • good luck
  • luckiness
  • mercy

noun a short prayer of thanks before a meal


  • thanksgiving
  • grace

Related Words

  • orison
  • petition
  • prayer

noun a ceremonial prayer invoking divine protection


  • benediction

Related Words

  • orison
  • petition
  • prayer
  • benison

noun the act of praying for divine protection


  • benediction

Related Words

  • prayer
  • supplication




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