释义 |
blepharosynechia blepharosynechia [blef″ah-ro-sĭ-nek´e-ah] growing together or adhesion of the eyelids.bleph·a·ro·syn·ech·i·a (blef'ă-rō-sin-ek'ē-ă), Adhesion of the eyelids to each other or to the eyeball. [blepharo- + G. synecheia, continuity, fr. syn- echō, to hold together] bleph·a·ro·syn·ech·i·a (blef'ă-rō-si-nek'ē-ă) Adhesion of the eyelids to each other or to the eyeball. See also: symblepharon[blepharo- + G. synecheia, continuity, fr. syn- echō, to hold together]blepharosynechia Adhesion of the eyelids to each other or to the eyeball. |