Campo Formio, Treaty of 1797
Campo Formio, Treaty of (1797)
the treaty ending the victorious war of the French Republic against Austria. The treaty was signed on Oct. 17, 1797, near the Italian village of Campoformio by Count L. Cobenzl for Austria and by General Bonaparte for France. With the Treaty of Campo Formio, Austria dropped out of the first anti-French coalition. Austria recognized the French conquests, conceded the Belgian province of the Austrian Netherlands to France, recognized the formation of the Cisalpine Republic (including Lombardy), and agreed to assist in the allotment of the lands on the left bank of the Rhine to France.” In compensation, Austria received Salzburg, part of Bavaria, and most of the territories of the Venetian Republic, which was eliminated by the treaty. The Ionian Islands and territory in Albania, which had formerly been Venetian, were transferred to France.
Martens, C, and F. Cussy. Recueil manuel et pratique de traités.…, vol. 2. Leipzig, 1846. Pages 148–51.
Manfred, A. Z. “Ital’ianskii pokhod Bonaparta v 1796–1797 gg.” Novaia i noveishaia istoriia, 1969, nos. 5–6.