bleeding polyp

vas·cu·lar pol·yp

a bulging or protruding angioma of the nasal mucous membrane. Synonym(s): bleeding polyp


(rī'nō-spō-rid-ē-ō'sis), Invasion of the nasal cavity or, occasionally, the conjunctiva or other superficial structures by Rhinosporidium seeberi, resulting in a chronic granulomatous disease producing bleeding polyps or other forms of hyperplasia on mucous membranes; it is found principally in India and Sri Lanka.

bleeding polyp

Any of several distinct pathological entities:
(1) Polypoid hemangioma. 
(2) A protuberant haemangioma of the nasal mucosa. 
(3) A nonspecific term for any polyp that bleeds easily.

bleeding polyp

An angioma of the nasal mucous membrane.See also: polyp