Chesha Bay

Chesha Bay

(chĕ`shə), Rus. Cheshskaya Guba, inlet of the Barents Sea, 84 mi (135 km) wide and 62 mi (100 km) long, Nenets Autonomous Area, N central European Russia. It receives the Chesha, Vizhas, Oma, and Pesha rivers.

Chesha Bay


(Cheshskaia Guba), a bay in the eastern part of the Barents Sea, between the Kanin Nos Peninsula and the mainland. Chesha Bay is 110 km long and 55 km wide at its mouth; it reaches a maximum width of 130 km. The shores are low-lying except in the northwest, where they form steep cliffs. The bay is 55 m deep at its mouth. It is subject to semidiurnal tides of up to 4.3 m. Ice covers the bay from November until the end of June. The Vizhas, Oma, Pesha, and Chesha rivers empty into Chesha Bay.