Camp Chesterfield

Camp Chesterfield

(religion, spiritualism, and occult)

Camp Chesterfield was a Spiritualist community run by the Indiana Association of Spiritualists. It was established in 1891 and began offering educational programs in 1933.

In 1843, Dr. John Westerfield began promoting speakers on clairvoyance, healing, trance, spirit contact, and phrenology, at his newly built Union Hall, in Anderson, Indiana. In 1855, he and his wife Mary Ellen lost their only child, John, Jr., at the age of 14. Westerfield and his wife turned to Spiritualism to find solace and, working with mediums, made contact with their deceased son. In 1883, the Westerfields and some friends visited a new Spiritualist camp named Frazier’s Grove, near Vicksburg, Michigan. The visit inspired them to found the Indiana Association of Spiritualists in 1886. They then started looking for a suitable location to have their own Spiritualist camp.

A grove meeting was held on the banks of the White River in 1890, on land owned by Carroll and Emily Bronnenberg. The following year Camp Chesterfield was opened on that site. The Indiana Association of Spiritualists purchased the land from the Bronnenbergs.


Camp Chesterfield: