Acronym | Definition |
BLE➣Bluetooth Low Energy (wireless radio technology) |
BLE➣Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers |
BLE➣Belen (Amtrak station code; Belen, NM) |
BLE➣Board of Legal Education (various locations) |
BLE➣Broker Listing Exchange (real estate) |
BLE➣Branch if Less than or Equal to Zero |
BLE➣Busy Line Flash |
BLE➣Basic Logic Element (computer algorithm) |
BLE➣Bilingual Education |
BLE➣Black Level Expansion (electronic equipment) |
BLE➣Bevel Large End (pipe design) |
BLE➣Branch If Less or Equal |
BLE➣Bulletin de Littérature Ecclésiastique (French: Bulletin of Ecclesiastical Literature) |
BLE➣Brand Licensing Europe (trade show) |
BLE➣Bilateral Lower Extremity |
BLE➣Bloggers Lorrains Engagés (French: Lorraine Committed Bloggers; Lorraine, France) |
BLE➣Bessemer and Lake Erie Railroad Company |
BLE➣Block Linear Equalizer |
BLE➣Broadleaf Evergreen |
BLE➣Black Label Empire (independent record label) |
BLE➣Bloomsbury Learning Environment (Bloomsbury Colleges, London, UK virtual learning environment) |
BLE➣Base Line Engineering (staffing company; San Jose, CA) |
BLE➣Business Line Executive |
BLE➣Bachelor of Land Economy (University of Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom) |
BLE➣Bottom Line Entry |
BLE➣Bombardment-induced Light Emission |
BLE➣Bureau of Landfill Engineering |
BLE➣Binary Liquid Explosive |
BLE➣Busy Line Effect |
BLE➣Business Loan Express, Inc. |
BLE➣Broadband Loop Emulation Service |
BLE➣Bellingham LAN (Local Area Network) Experience (Bellingham, WA) |