balloon tamponade

A hemostatic procedure for upper GI bleeding using a Sengstaken-Blakemore tube and a larger round tube inflated in the stomach, which anchors the device in the desired location
Indications Bleeding esophageal varices or any persistent esophageal hemorrhage

balloon tamponade

Emergency medicine A hemostatic procedure for upper GI bleeding using a Sengstaken-Blakemore tube inflated in the stomach, which anchors the device in the desired location Indications Bleeding esophageal varices or any persistent esophageal hemorrhage. See Sengstaken-Blakemore tube.

balloon tamponade

The application of pressure against a part of the body with an inflatable balloon, typically to stop blood loss. Balloon tamponade has been used to stop bleeding from esophageal varices, ectopic pregnancies, the post-partum uterus, the liver (as after gunshot wounds), damaged blood vessels. See also: tamponade