

单词 dpd



(dē-ŏk″sē-pĭ-rĭ-dĭn′ō-lēn, -lĭn),


A component of the structural matrix of bone, principally found in type 1 collagen as a structural cross link. It provides tensile strength to bone.

When bone resorption exceeds bone rebuilding (for example, in osteoporosis), Dpd is released into the circulation and excreted unchanged in the urine. The detection of elevated levels of Dpd in a concentrated urine specimen is used as a marker of ongoing bone loss in osteoporosis. Reduced levels of Dpd are an indicator of the effectiveness of therapies that reduce bone resorption (e.g., bisphosphonates).

The Dpd urine test is performed by obtaining the first urine voided by a patient on awakening—this ensures that the specimen will be maximally concentrated. The level of Dpd obtained is expressed in nmol of Dpd/mmol of urinary creatinine.


Abbrev. for Diploma in Public Dentistry.


DPDDewan Perwakilan Daerah (Indonesian: Council of Regional Representatives)
DPDDepartment of Planning and Development
DPDDynamic Parcel Distribution (UK)
DPDDevelopment Plan Document (UK)
DPDDallas Police Department (Dallas, TX)
DPDDead Peer Detection (Cisco)
DPDDihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase
DPDDivision of Parasitic Diseases (US CDC)
DPDData Processing Division
DPDDual Pointing Device
DPDDensely Packed Decimal
DPDData Procurement Document
DPDDual Ported Data
DPDDelegated Path Discovery
DPDDead Peer Detection
DPDDerived Physics Datasets
DPDDenver Police Department
DPDDetroit Police Department
DPDDominant Wave Period
DPDDigital Product Development
DPDDrug Product Database
DPDDemokratische Partei Deutschlands (German: Democratic Party of Germany)
DPDDiccionario Panhispánico de Dudas (Spanish)
DPDDirector of Professional Development (various organizations)
DPDDigital Pre-Distortion
DPDDensely-Packed Decimal (encoding)
DPDDirector of Planning Development (various organizations)
DPDDeutscher Paketdienst (Germany)
DPDDepartamento de Proceso de Datos (Spanish: Data Processing Department; various locations)
DPDDependent Personality Disorder
DPDDekart Private Disk (encryption software)
DPDDirect Parcel Distribution (European logistics service)
DPDDomestic Production Deduction (taxes)
DPDDirection de la Programmation et du Développement (French: Department of Programming and Development; French Ministry of Education, Youth and the Voluntary Sector)
DPDDigital Photo Display
DPDDepersonalization Disorder
DPDDivisión de Prevención del Delito (Spanish: Crime Prevention Division; Guatemala)
DPDDewan Pimpinan Daerah (Indonesian: Regional Leaders Council)
DPDDangerous Preparations Directive
DPDDistal Protection Device (cardiology)
DPDDigital Product Definition
DPDDemos Pra Download (music blog)
DPDDifferential Phase Detection
DPDDayton Police Department (Ohio)
DPDDiver Propulsion Device
DPDData Processing Department
DPDDiploma in Practical Dermatology (UK)
DPDDaily Policy Digest (National Center for Policy Analysis)
DPDDead Piro Day (MegaTokyo comic)
DPDDistributed Product Description (Modeling and Simulation; Simulation Based Acquisition)
DPDDirector Personnel Department (US Navy)
DPDDistribution Produits Déco (French: Home Products Distribution)
DPDData Processing Design
DPDDowntown Parking District (various locations)
DPDDefense Programming Database
DPDDistrict Port Director (US Navy)
DPDDrejtoria e Përgjithshme e Doganave (Albanian: General Directorate of Dutys)
DPDDegree Programme Director (Newcastle University; UK)
DPDDeutscher Pressedienst
DPDDay Past Due
DPDData Project Description
DPDDigital Product Description
DPDData Project Directive
DPDDignitary Protection Division (United States Capitol Police)
DPDDumas Police Department (Dumas, Texas)
DPDDigital Publications Development Program (US Army ASRL)
DPDDuty Paid Delivered
DPDDetailed Product Document
DPDDetailed Procedural Design (software development)
DPDData Product Definition (Logistics Management Information)
DPDDémarginalisation des Pauvres par le Droit (French: Empowerment of the Poor; Bénin)
DPDDry Packaged Dessert
DPDDependability of Physical Design
DPDDesign Proposal Drawings




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