释义 |
n. | 1. | (Biol.) That portion of the spermatospore which is not converted into spermatoblasts, but carries them. |
blastophore[′blas·tə‚fȯr] (cell and molecular biology) The cytoplasm that is detached from a spermatid during its transformation to a spermatozoon. (invertebrate zoology) An amorphose core of cytoplasm connecting cells of the male morula of developing germ cells in oligochaetes. blastophoreenUK
blas·to·phore (blas'tō-fōr), An early stage of division of a coccidial schizont in which spheroid or ellipsoid structures are formed with a single peripheral layer of nuclei; merozoites form at the surface of the blastophore over each nucleus, grow out radially, and separate from the residual body (remnant of the blastophore); in a first-generation schizont such as Eimeria bovis, about 120,000 merozoites are produced. [blasto- + G. phorōs, bearing] ThesaurusSeeblastopore |