Cherohala Skyway - Tennessee

Cherohala Skyway - Tennessee

Parks Directory of the United States / National Scenic BywaysAddress:c/o Monroe County Department. of Tourism
520 Cook St, Suite A
Madisonville, TN 37354

Web: Description:Route in the southern Appalachian Mountains passes along cultural heritage and historic sites of the Cherokee tribe and early settlers. Situated entirely within Cherokee National Forest, it also offers opportunities for recreation such as camping, hiking, horseback riding, swimming, and kayaking. Nearby areas of interest include Tellico Lake, Craighead Cavernsand the Lost Sea, Bald River Falls, Fort Loudoun State Park, and the Sequoyah Museum.
Legth: 22.5 miles (Tennesse section); 43 miles (entire byway). Start/Endpoint: Byway spans portions of Tennessee and North Carolina. The Tennesseesection of the byway begins at the information stationjust east of TellicoPlains and follows TN 165 east through Cherokee National Forest to the North Carolina state line. Skyway's route in North Carolina follows NC 143 east from the Tennessee border through NantahalaNational Forest to Robbinsville. Time to Allow: 1 hour (Tennessee section); 2 hours (entire byway). Designation/Year: National Scenic Byway (1996).

See other parks in Tennessee.