Acronym | Definition |
DPA➣Deutsche Presse-Agentur |
DPA➣Dell Preferred Account |
DPA➣Drug Policy Alliance (New York, NY) |
DPA➣Department of Performing Arts (various schools) |
DPA➣Differential Power Analysis |
DPA➣Down Payment Assistance |
DPA➣Data Protection Authorities (various locations) |
DPA➣Divine Performing Arts |
DPA➣Dominique Perrault Architecture (France) |
DPA➣Department of the Prosecuting Attorney (Hawaii) |
DPA➣Department of the Public Advocate (New Jersey) |
DPA➣Data Protection Act 1998 (UK) |
DPA➣Development and Partnership in Action (Cambodia) |
DPA➣Doherty Power Amplifier |
DPA➣Department of Political Affairs |
DPA➣Data Processing Addendum (General Data Protection Regulation; EU) |
DPA➣Development Plan Amendment (Australia) |
DPA➣Darfur Peace Agreement |
DPA➣Direction du Patrimoine et de l'Architecture (French: Directorate of Heritage and Architecture) |
DPA➣Dipartimento di Progettazione Architettonica (Italian: Department of Architectural Design) |
DPA➣Date Prévue d'Accouchement (French: Due Date; pregnancy) |
DPA➣Daily Physical Activity |
DPA➣Department of Personnel & Administration (Colorado) |
DPA➣Département des Affaires Politiques (French: Department of Political Affairs) |
DPA➣Document Printing Application |
DPA➣Deregister Port Attributes |
DPA➣Distribution Password Authentication |
DPA➣Dynamic Provisioning Architecture |
DPA➣Data Processing Assembly |
DPA➣Demand Priority Access |
DPA➣Data Pump Manager |
DPA➣Data Protection Advisor (EMC Corp.) |
DPA➣Durable Power of Attorney |
DPA➣Diphenylamine |
DPA➣District Planning Authority (various locations) |
DPA➣Data Privacy Agreement |
DPA➣Defense Production Act |
DPA➣Dual Photon Absorptiometry (bone density test measures the spine, hip or total body) |
DPA➣Defence Procurement Agency |
DPA➣Domestic Partnership Act (various locations) |
DPA➣Digital Photo Academy (various locations) |
DPA➣Déduction Fiscale pour Aléas (French: Tax Deduction for Hazards) |
DPA➣Droit Public des Affaires (French: Public Business Law) |
DPA➣Destructive Physical Analysis |
DPA➣Dayton Peace Agreement |
DPA➣Department of Public Aid |
DPA➣Dipicolinic Acid |
DPA➣Distributed-Power Architecture |
DPA➣Delegation of Procurement Authority |
DPA➣Designated Person Ashore (shipping) |
DPA➣Data Processing Assistant (various locations) |
DPA➣Doctor of Public Administration |
DPA➣Dubai Ports Authority |
DPA➣Destination Port Address |
DPA➣Dynamic Passcode Authentication |
DPA➣Data Protection Agency |
DPA➣Delaware Public Archives |
DPA➣Data Processing Algorithm |
DPA➣Delegated Purchasing Authority (various locations) |
DPA➣Department of Public Administration |
DPA➣Displacements Per Atom |
DPA➣Document Process Automation (computing) |
DPA➣Dudley Pond Association (Wayland, MA) |
DPA➣Dallage Pavage Aménagement (French paving company) |
DPA➣Distributed Password Authentication |
DPA➣Demand Protocol Architecture |
DPA➣West Chicago, Illinois (Airport Code) |
DPA➣Danish Pedophile Association |
DPA➣Dipropyl Acetate |
DPA➣Development Permit Area |
DPA➣Diphenylanthracene |
DPA➣Digital Power Amplifier |
DPA➣Deputy Prosecuting Attorney |
DPA➣Democratic Party of Albania |
DPA➣Department of Public Assistance |
DPA➣Denver Pale Ale (Great Divide Brewing) |
DPA➣Direct Professional Access (legal term) |
DPA➣Dine Power Authority (Navajo Nation) |
DPA➣Democratic Party of Arkansas (Little Rock, Arkansas) |
DPA➣Direct Polytechnic Admission Exercise (Singapore) |
DPA➣Dampier Port Authority (Australia) |
DPA➣Digital Precipitation Array |
DPA➣Deer Park Avenue |
DPA➣Dallas Police Association |
DPA➣Direct Protection Aménagements (French: Direct Protection Facilities) |
DPA➣Digital Pre-Assembly (Boeing's 777, 737 and Space Station) |
DPA➣Dynamiques Professionnelles d'Artistes (French: Dynamic Professional Artists) |
DPA➣Data Processing Activity |
DPA➣Destination Palo Alto (tourism; Palo Alto, CA) |
DPA➣Dialysis Purchasing Alliance |
DPA➣Digital Production Arts |
DPA➣Department Property Administrator |
DPA➣Data Processing Agency |
DPA➣Docks des Pétroles d'Ambès (French: Ambès Oil Docks; Ambès, France) |
DPA➣Direct Product Account (various companies) |
DPA➣Diagnostic Pharmaceutical Agent (optometry) |
DPA➣Definitive Purchase Agreement |
DPA➣Delaware Pilots Association |
DPA➣Dynamic Packet Assignment |
DPA➣Digital PBX Adapter (Cisco, VoIP) |
DPA➣Disabled Persons Association |
DPA➣Directory Publishers Association |
DPA➣Division of the Public Advocate (Delaware) |
DPA➣Daniel Penn Associates |
DPA➣DragonAir Pilots Association |
DPA➣Defence Per Acre (gaming) |
DPA➣Swiss Federal Data Protection Act |
DPA➣Director of Personnel & Administration |
DPA➣Dual Phone Adapter |
DPA➣Development Plan Approval (various locations) |
DPA➣Defense Protection Act |
DPA➣Double-Precision Arithmetic |
DPA➣Distinguished Performance Award |
DPA➣Deepwater Ports Act of 1974 |
DPA➣Dynamic Priority Adjustment |
DPA➣Driver Power Amplifier |
DPA➣Digital Phosphor Oscilloscope |
DPA➣Dual Premise Address |
DPA➣Digital Phase Analysis (Tektronix) |
DPA➣Data Protecting Act |
DPA➣Data Privacy Algorithm |
DPA➣Divisional Purchase Agreement |
DPA➣Dynamic Passenger Allocation |
DPA➣Delivery Purchase Agreement (appendix to a purchasing contract setting logistics parameters) |
DPA➣Depot Planning Annex |
DPA➣Digital Production Administrator |
DPA➣Disk Production Activity |
DPA➣Direct Pricing Agreement (logistics) |
DPA➣Distributive Pool Account |
DPA➣Downlink Phased Array (US DoD) |
DPA➣Deferred Prosecution Agreement |
DPA➣Doctor of Public Accountancy |