Chernyshev, Aleksandr Alekseevich

Chernyshev, Aleksandr Alekseevich


Born Aug. 9 (21), 1882, in the village of Loven’, in present-day Chernigov Oblast; died Apr. 18,1940, in Moscow. Soviet scientist; specialist in electrical engineering. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1932; corresponding member, 1929).

Chernyshev graduated in 1907 from the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute, where he became a professor in 1919 and remained a faculty member until he moved to Moscow in 1936. He also worked at the Physicotechnical Institute in Petrograd (beginning in 1918) and later at several institutes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, including the Institute of Power Engineering and the Commission on Automation and Telemechanics. Chernyshev’s principal works were devoted to high-voltage and radio engineering. Chernyshev also worked on electrical measurements, television, long-distance radiotelephone communications, railroad electrification, the planning and organization of scientific work, and the history of electrical engineering. He was also instrumental in developing the GOERLO plan. Chernyshev was awarded the V. I. Lenin Award in 1930.


Absoliutnye izmereniia v vysokovol’tnykh tsepiakh. St. Petersburg, 1913.
“Fotoelementy.” Vestnik rentgenologii i radiologii: Otdel fizikotekhnicheskii, 1919, vol. 1, issue 1.
“Toki vysokogo postoiannogo napriazheniia: Poluchenie tokov vysokogo postoiannogo napriazheniia znachitel’noi moshchnosti.” Ibid.
Ustroistvo dlia zashchity ot perenapriazhenii. Moscow, 1929. (With V. N. Glazanov.)


Shatelen, M. A. “Aleksandr Alekseevich Chernyshev” (obituary). Vestnik AN SSSR, 1940, no. 7.
“Pamiati akademika A. A. Chernysheva.” Elektrichestvo, 1940, [no.] 6.
A. A. Chernyshev. Moscow, 1968. (AN SSSR. Materialy k biobibliografli uchenykh SSSR: Seriia tekhnicheskikh nauk. Elektrotekhnika, fasc. 4.)