

单词 corpulence



C0657500 (kôr′pyə-ləns)n. The condition of being excessively fat; obesity.
[Middle English, corporality, from Latin corpulentia, corpulence, from corpulentus, corpulent, from corpus, body; see kwrep- in Indo-European roots.]


(ˈkɔr pyə ləns)

also cor′pu•len•cy,

n. bulkiness or largeness of body; fatness; portliness. [1350–1400; Middle English < Latin]



bay window Paunch, protruding belly, pot-belly. The visual image is of the type of window which projects outward in curved form, creating a bay or recess within. The term is an Americanism of long standing.

Since his bay window began to form … (Cimarron News, November 27, 1879)

beer-belly A protruding abdomen, supposedly caused by excessive indulgence in beer. The term has been in popular slang use since 1920.

black-silk barge British slang for a stout woman. This uncomplimentary comparison of a woman’s physique to a large, flat-bottomed vessel generally used for transporting freight needs no further explanation.

broad in the beam Having disproportionately large hips or buttocks; hippy; steatopygous. The greatest breadth of a ship is called its ‘beam,’ from its transverse timbers or ‘beams.’ The term is thus similarly applied to the width of a person’s hips or buttocks. Though most often used of women, early citations show the word was first used descriptively of men.

He stood watching disgustedly Bigges’ broad beam. (H. Walpole, Hans Frost, 1929)

butterball A plump or chubby person, especially a short one. Used figuratively since 1892, this mildly derogatory term compares a person’s physique to an individual serving of butter molded in the form of a ball.

German goiter A bulging stomach, usually the result of excessive beer intake; a beer-belly. Goiter is a thyroid gland disorder manifested by protuberant swelling about the neck. Similarly, German goiter is a distention of the stomach due to the consumption of copious amounts of beer, a beverage that Germans particularly enjoy.

pot-belly A protruding abdomen; a person with same. This common term, coined by analogy to the rounded pot, dates from the early 18th century.

spare tire A roll of fat about one’s middle; paunch, pot-belly. Such an excess of adiposity visually resembles a tire. The term has been around since 1925.

tun-bellied Extremely obese, gargantuan, elephantine. In this obsolete expression, tun ‘tub, vat’ alludes to rotundity. The phrase appeared in William Cartwright’s The Royal Slave (1639):

Some drunken hymn I warrant you towards now, in the praise of their great, huge, rowling, tun-bellyed god Bacchus as they call him.

Noun1.corpulence - the property of excessive fatnesscorpulence - the property of excessive fatness adiposis, overweight, stoutnesscorpulency, fleshiness, obesity - more than average fatness


(ˈkoːpjulənt) adjective fat. a corpulent old man. 肥胖的,臃腫的 肥胖的ˈcorpulence noun 肥胖,臃腫 肥胖



(ō-bē'si-tē), [MIM*601665] An excess of subcutaneous fat in proportion to lean body mass. Excess fat accumulation is associated with increase in the size (hypertrophy) as well as the number (hyperplasia) of adipose tissue cells. Obesity is variously defined in terms of absolute weight, weight:height ratio, distribution of subcutaneous fat, and societal and esthetic norms. Measures of weight in proportion to height include relative weight (RW, body weight divided by median desirable weight for a person of the same height and medium frame according to actuarial tables), body mass index (BMI, kg/m2) and ponderal index (kg/m3). These do not differentiate between excess adiposity and increased lean body mass. In contrast, subscapular and triceps skinfold measurements and determination of the waist:hip ratio help define the regional deposition of fat and differentiate the more medically significant central obesity from peripheral obesity in adults. No single cause can explain all cases of obesity. Ultimately it results from an imbalance between energy intake and energy expenditure. Although faulty eating habits related to failure of normal satiety feedback mechanisms may be responsible for some cases, many obese people neither consume more calories nor eat different proportions of foodstuffs than nonobese persons. Contrary to popular belief, obesity is not caused by disorders of pituitary, thyroid, or adrenal gland metabolism. However, it is often associated with hyperinsulinism and relative insulin resistance. Studies of obese twins strongly suggest the presence of genetic influences on resting metabolic rate, feeding behavior, changes in energy expenditures in response to overfeeding, lipoprotein lipase activity, and basal rate of lipolysis. Environmental factors associated with obesity include socioeconomic status, race, region of residence, season, urban living, and being part of a smaller family. The prevalence of obesity is greater when weight is measured during winter rather than summer. Obesity is much more common in the southeastern U.S., although the northeastern and midwestern states also have high rates, a phenomenon independent of race, population density, and season. Synonym(s): adiposity (1) , corpulence, corpulency [L. obesus, pp. of obedo, to eat up, + -ity]

Obesity is a major public health problem and the leading nutritional disorder in the U.S. It is responsible for more than 280,000 deaths annually in this country. A widely accepted definition of obesity is body weight that is 20% or more in excess of ideal weight:height ratio according to actuarial tables. By this definition, 34% of adults in the U.S. are obese. The National Institutes of Health have defined obesity as a BMI of 30 kg/m2 or more, and overweight as a BMI between 25 and 30 kg/m2. By these criteria, two thirds of adults are either overweight or obese. There is strong evidence that the prevalence of obesity is increasing in both children and adults. Increases are particularly striking among African-Americans and Mexican-Americans. More than 80% of black women over the age of 40 are overweight, and 50% are obese. Among factors blamed for the steady increase in the prevalence of obesity are unhealthful eating practices (high-fat diet, overlarge portions) and the decline in physical activity associated with use of automobiles and public transportation instead of walking, labor-saving devices including computers, and passive forms of entertainment and recreation (television, computer games). Despite efforts of public health authorities to educate the public about the dangers of obesity, it is widely viewed as a cosmetic rather than a medical problem. Obesity is an independent risk factor for hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction, certain malignancies (cancer of the colon, rectum, and prostate in men and of the breast, cervix, endometrium, and ovary in women), obstructive sleep apnea, hypoventilation syndrome, osteoarthritis and other orthopedic disorders, infertility, lower extremity venous stasis disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and urinary stress incontinence. Lesser degrees of obesity can constitute a significant health hazard in the presence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart disease, or their associated risk factors. Body fat distribution in central (abdominal or male pattern, with an increased waist:hip ratio) versus peripheral (gluteal or female pattern) adipose tissue depots is associated with higher risks of many of these disorders. Obese people are more liable to injury, more difficult to examine by palpation and imaging techniques, and more likely to have unsuccessful outcomes and complications from surgical operations. Not least among the adverse effects of obesity are social stigmatization, poor self-image, and psychological stress. Weight reduction is associated with improvement in most of the health risks of obesity. All treatments for obesity (other than cosmetic surgical procedures in which subcutaneous fat is mechanically removed) require creation of an energy deficit by reducing caloric intake, increasing physical exercise, or both. Basic weight reduction programs involve consumption of a restricted-calorie, low-fat diet and performance of at least 30 minutes of endurance-type physical activity of at least moderate intensity on most and preferably all days of the week. Behavior modification therapy, hypnosis, anorexiant drugs (sympathomimetic agents, sibutramine), the lipase inhibitor orlistat, and surgical procedures to reduce gastric capacity or intestinal absorption of nutrients are useful in selected cases, but the emphasis should be on establishing permanent changes in lifestyle. Weight reduction is not recommended during pregnancy or in patients with osteoporosis, cholelithiasis, severe mental illness including anorexia nervosa, or terminal illness.


(kôr′pyə-ləns)n. The condition of being excessively fat; obesity.


(ō-bē'si-tē) An excessive accumulation of fat in the body.
Synonym(s): adiposity (1) , corpulence, corpulency.
[L. obesus, pp. of obedo, to eat up, + -ity]


Obesity. Being excessively fat.


  • noun

Synonyms for corpulence

noun the property of excessive fatness


  • adiposis
  • overweight
  • stoutness

Related Words

  • corpulency
  • fleshiness
  • obesity




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