


a state of the mid-sixth to the eighth century that was formed by Mon-Khmer tribes living along the middle course of the Mekong River. Chenla, first mentioned as a vassal state of Funan, was situated southwest of Lin-Yi (Champa). Isanavarman I (ruled early seventh century to c. 635) conquered Funan, having extended his authority westward to Angkor, and founded the capital of Chenla at Isanapura, on the Stung Sen. Under Jayavarman I (ruled early eighth century), the last ruler of Chenla, the state split into rival principalities. The culture of Chenla is represented by brick temples, remarkable sculpture, and numerous epigraphs in Old Khmer and Sanskrit that have been preserved.


Migot, A. Kkhmery. Moscow, 1973. (Translated from French.)