

单词 camel


camel through the eye of a needle

Used as part of a comparison to indicate that something is impossible or extremely difficult to accomplish. Taken from the passage in the Bible (Luke 18:25), "For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." You'd have an easier time getting a camel through the eye of a needle than getting them to agree on the issue.See also: camel, eye, needle, of, through

a camel's nose (under the tent)

A small, seemingly innocuous act or decision that will lead to much larger, more serious, and less desirable consequences down the line. The term refers to an alleged Arab proverb that if a camel is allowed to get its nose inside of a tent, it will be impossible to prevent the rest of it from entering. Some regard legalizing same-sex marriage as a camel's nose under the tent, eventually leading to the destruction of marriage altogether. Not hiring an exterminator at the first sign of termites has proved to be a camel's nose, as much of our woodwork is now destroyed.See also: nose

a camel is a horse designed by a committee

Committees, due to their reliance on several different opinions and viewpoints, produce results that are fragmented, inefficient, or of poor quality, especially compared to the work of a single individual or a small team. A: "Did you see this latest memo? Can you believe the asinine decisions the task force made?" B: "Well, a camel is a horse designed by a committee."See also: by, camel, committee, design, horse

It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back

After someone or something has experienced a series of recurring offenses or problems, even a minor one can be the one that causes one to finally lose patience or for something to stop working. It alludes to the idea that a single additional piece of straw could cause an overladen camel to finally collapse. Common versions of this phrase are "the last straw" and "the straw that broke the camel's back." A: "Why are you furious now? Tom's been taking credit for your ideas for years." B: "It is the last straw that breaks the camel's back!" I've hiked miles and miles in these boots—I can't believe they finally fell apart while I was walking in my own driveway! But I guess it is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.See also: back, break, last, straw, that

the straw that breaks the camel's back

A seemingly small or inconsequential issue, problem, or burden that proves to be the final catalyst in causing an overworked or overburdened person, system, organization, etc., to fail, give up, or collapse. With governmental resources already strained to the breaking point, any sort of environmental disaster would be the straw that breaks the camel's back. I was already fed up with his laziness and insensitivity, but Jim's refusal to come with me to my own mother's funeral was the straw that breaks the camel's back.See also: back, break, straw, that

the straw that broke the camel's back

A seemingly small or inconsequential issue, problem, or burden that proved to be the final catalyst in causing an overworked or overburdened person, system, organization, etc., to fail, give up, or collapse. I was already fed up with my husband's lazy, selfish ways, but it was his refusal to get off the couch and come with me to my mother's funeral that was the straw that broke the camel's back! With governmental resources already strained to the breaking point, any sort of environmental disaster would likely be the straw that broke the camel's back.See also: back, broke, straw, that

camel toe

slang The outline of a woman's external genitalia as is visible through tight pants, said to resemble the toes on a camel's hoof. Be honest—is my camel toe too noticeable when I wear these leggings?See also: camel, toe

strain at a gnat and swallow a camel

To resist, criticize, or bemoan something minor or inconsequential while ignoring or overlooking something much more serious or important. The expression originated in the Bible, in Matthew 23:24. The government is letting the housing crisis spiral out of control while they spend millions trying to catch people who sublet their apartments without paying taxes. Talk about straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel!See also: and, camel, gnat, strain, swallow

strain at gnats and swallow camels

To resist, criticize, or bemoan something minor or inconsequential while ignoring or overlooking something much more serious or important. The expression originated in the Bible, in Matthew 23:24. The government is letting the housing crisis spiral out of control while they spend millions trying to catch people who sublet their apartments without paying taxes. Talk about straining at gnats and swallowing camels!See also: and, camel, gnat, strain, swallow

trust in God, but tie up your camel

Have faith, but also take prudent action. My mother is very spiritual but also takes many steps to maintain her health. Trust in God, but tie up your camel, as the saying goes.See also: but, camel, tie, trust, up

trust in Allah, but tie up your camel

Have faith, but also take prudent action. My mother is very spiritual but also takes many steps to maintain her health. Trust in Allah, but tie up your camel, as the saying goes.See also: but, camel, tie, trust, up

strain at gnats and swallow camels

Prov. to criticize other people for minor offenses while ignoring major offenses. (Biblical.) Jill: Look at that. Edward is combing his hair at his desk. How unprofessional. Jane: Don't strain at gnats and swallow camels. There are worse problems than that around here.See also: and, camel, gnat, strain, swallow


see under last straw.

last straw, the

The final annoyance or setback, which even though minor makes one lose patience. For example, I could put up with his delays and missed deadlines, but when he claimed the work was unimportant-that was the last straw! This term is a shortening of the straw that broke the camel's back, which conveys a vivid image of an overloaded animal being given one slight additional weight. The expression dates from the mid-1800s, and replaced the earlier the last feather that breaks the horse's back. See also: last

the straw that breaks the camel's back

If you say that something is the straw that breaks the camel's back, you mean it is the latest in a series of bad events, and it makes you unable to deal with a situation any longer. Last week, I broke my wrist skateboarding and that was the straw that broke the camel's back as far as my dad was concerned. He has ordered me to stay away from anything that could get me into an accident. Compare with the last straw. Note: The reference here is to an animal which is already carrying a great deal on its back and which collapses when one more thing is added. See also: back, break, straw, that

camel toes

n. a woman’s vulva as it appears through blue jeans, especially jeans that have been pulled up too tight. There’s nothing attractive about camel toes. See also: camel, toe

camel through a needle's eye, a

An impossibility. The whole phrase, which comes from the Gospels of St. Matthew (19:24) and St. Mark (10:25), states that it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God. Variants appear in both Jewish religious writings and in the Islamic Koran. The thought is repeated by Shakespeare in Richard II (5.5): “It is as hard to come as for a camel to thread the postern of a small needle’s eye.”See also: camel, through

last straw, the

The final minor irritation; one last superfluous item. This term, also put as the straw that broke the camel’s back, appears in Dickens’s Dombey and Son (1848). It is a version of the earlier “last feather that breaks the horse’s back,” found in Archbishop John Bramhall’s Works (1677) and repeated in Fuller’s Gnomologia (1732). Both convey a vivid image of something that would not be burdensome if there were not too much of it, but the straw version is the one that survived and became a cliché.See also: last

the straw that broke the camel's back

The final limit of capacity, including patience. An Arabian anecdote told of a camel whose owner loaded the beast of burden with as much straw as possible. Not satisfied with the staggering load he had put on the camel, the owner added just one last piece of straw. Even that one wisp was too much, and the animal collapsed with a broken back, leaving the owner with no way to take his goods to the market. The story is a parable for all the times you've been repeatedly irked until you can't take it anymore and you explode.See also: back, broke, straw, that
See camel



ruminant mammal of the family Camelidae. The family consists of three genera, the true camels of Asia (genus Camelus); the wild guanacoguanaco
or huanaco
, wild mammal of the camel family, Lama guanicoe, found on arid plains in the Andes Mts. It is about 3 1-2 ft (105 cm) high at the shoulder, with a long neck; it is brown on the back and sides, with light underparts and a dark face.
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 and the domesticated alpacaalpaca
, partially domesticated South American mammal, Lama pacos, of the camel family. Genetic studies show that it is a descendant of the vicuña. Although the flesh is sometimes used for food, the animal is bred chiefly for its long, lustrous wool, which varies
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 and llamallama
, South American domesticated ruminant mammal, Lama glama, of the camel family. Genetic studies indicate that it is descended from the guanaco. Smaller than the camel and lacking a hump, it somewhat resembles a large sheep with a long neck, camellike face, and long
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, all of South America (genus Lama); and the vicuñavicuña
, wild South American hoofed mammal, Vicugna vicugna, the smallest member of the camel family. It is 30 in. (75 cm) high at the shoulder, with a long, slender neck and pale, fawn coloring.
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, also of South America (genus Vicugna). The hooves on members of the family are much reduced, growing only on the upper surface of the outside toes of the feet.

The two species of true camel are the single-humped Arabian camel, or dromedary, Camelus dromedarius, a domesticated animal used in Arabia and North Africa, and the two-humped Bactrian camel (C. bactrianus) of central Asia. Some wild Bactrian camels exist in Turkistan and Mongolia. The humps are storage places for fat. Camels range in color from dirty white to dark brown and have long necks, small ears, tough-skinned lips, and powerful teeth, some of which are sharply pointed. The camel uses the mouth in fighting. Adaptations to desert life include broad, flat, thick-soled two-toed feet that do not sink into the sand; the ability to go without drinking for several days—or longer if juicy plants are available; and valvular nostrils lined with hairs for protection against flying sand. Horny pads help to protect the chest, knees, and thigh joints against injury from the hard surfaces on which the camel sleeps.

Strong camels usually carry from 500 to 600 lb (230 to 270 kg) and cover about 30 mi (48 km) a day. Some Bactrian camels can transport 1,000 lb (450 kg). A light, fleet breed of dromedary is used for riding and not for bearing heavy loads. The name dromedary was formerly applied to any swift riding camel.

Geologic findings indicate that the camel originated in North America, that one group migrated to Asia and the other to South America, and that both became extinct in North America probably after the glacial period. Camels are classified in the phylum ChordataChordata
, phylum of animals having a notochord, or dorsal stiffening rod, as the chief internal skeletal support at some stage of their development. Most chordates are vertebrates (animals with backbones), but the phylum also includes some small marine invertebrate animals.
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, subphylum Vertebrata, class Mammalia, order Artiodactyla, family Camelidae.


See studies by H. Gauthier-Pilters and A. I. Dagg (1981) and R. Irwin (2010).



(Camelus), a genus of the order Artiodactyla of the camel family (Camelidae). There are two species: the single-humped camel, or dromedary (C. dromedarius), height at the withers, up to 210 cm, color reddish-gray; and the double-humped, or Bactrian camel (C. bactrianus), height at the withers somewhat less, color dark-brown. Only the double-humped camel is found in the wild state; it roams in Asia (in the Sinkiang deserts and in southwestern Mongolia).

Distribution of camels is limited to desert zones and arid steppes. Camels cannot exist in mountains or locations with damp climates. In the process of evolution camels have developed a number of adaptations to conditions of deserts and arid steppes. Camels eat certain desert plants that are eaten rarely or not at all by other animals; they are satisfied with a minimal quantity of water and can drink salt water. In contradistinction to other ruminants, camels have two incisors in the upper jaw. The parts that touch the ground when they lie down are supplied with callous formations: camels have sternal, carpal, ulnar, and patellar calluses. As a result, camels are capable of lying down on extremely hot soil (up to 70° C). Both hooves of each foot are insignificant in size. Camels support themselves on their broad, soft paws; this facilitates walking on sand.

Camels have been domesticated since 2000 .B.C. The weight of an adult camel is 500-800 kg. Sexual maturity is attained by 2-3 years of age; females are allowed to mate at 3-4 years, males at 5-6 years. Gestation in female dromedaries lasts 13 months, in Bactrians 14 months. The females bear one offspring every two years. Newborn camels are very weak and require careful tending. The suckling period is 18 months. Camels are pasture animals; they graze only by day and at night lie down to rest and ruminate.

Under desert and arid-steppe conditions, camels are the most powerful pack and draft animals. The average pulling force of camels is 10-12 percent of their liveweight; average load mass carried on the back reaches 50 percent of the camel’s mass. Under a rider the camel, a pacer, covers about 100 km per day at a speed of 10-12 km/hr. Camels are worked from age 4 to 20-25 (they live 35-40 years). Milk, meat, and wool are also obtained from camels. Camel’s milk is used to prepare koumiss, butter, and cheeses. Average annual milk production in dromedaries is 2, 000 kg (in the arvana breed, over 4, 000 kg) with butterfat content of 4.5 percent; in Bactrians, 750 kg with 5.4 percent butterfat. The meat of young, well-fed camels is not inferior to beef in nutritive value; dressed yield is 50 percent. Camel’s wool contains up to 85 percent fleece, from which thin woolen fabrics are manufactured; it is valued more highly than coarse sheep’s wool. Beaver, high-quality knit fabrics, blankets, and other things are also manufactured from camel’s wool. It lends sturdiness to fabrics when blended with sheep’s wool. The clip of wool from a Bactrian is 5-10 kg (from the Kalmyk breed, up to 13 kg), and from a dromedary, 2-4 kg. The wool of Bactrians is of higher quality and greater value.

The most common diseases of camels include trypanosomiasis, >influenza, echinococcosis, camel plague, and mange.



[′kam·əl] (vertebrate zoology) The common name for two species of artiodactyl mammals, the bactrian camel (Camelus bactrianus) and the dromedary camel (C. dromedarius), in the family Camelidae.


1. either of two cud-chewing artiodactyl mammals of the genus Camelus (see Arabian camel, Bactrian camel): family Camelidae. They are adapted for surviving long periods without food or water in desert regions, esp by using humps on the back for storing fat 2. a float attached to a vessel to increase its buoyancy 3. a raft or float used as a fender between a vessel and a wharf 4. a. a fawn colour b. (as adjective): a camel coat


(Customized Application of Mobile network Enhanced Logic) A set of ETSI standards for extending landline intelligent network (IN) telephony services to the data services of GSM, GPRS and UMTS mobile systems. CAMEL functions were added in phases. Phase 1 covers basic features such as call waiting and forwarding. Phase 2 supports prepaid calling and unstructured supplementary service data (see USSD). Phase 3 supports roaming; Phase 4 adds multimedia services, and Phase 5 provides seamless prepaid roaming. See CAP.



the common name for a member of the mammalian family Camelidae that also includes dromedaries and llamas. They are even-toed UNGULATES and the RUMEN of the stomach has numerous pouches and diverticulae which are capable of storing large amounts of water.


CAMELConcept Annotated Image Libraries
CAMELCustomized Application for Mobile Networks Enhanced Logic
CAMELCustomized Applications for Mobile Network Enhanced Logic
CAMELCapital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Management, Earnings and Liquidity
CAMELCollaborative Approaches to the Management of E-Learning (UK)
CAMELCall Management Language
CAMELCritical Aeronautical Material/Equipment List
CAMELComponent and Material Evaluation Loop
CAMELCustomer Loan Centre


  • noun

Words related to camel

noun cud-chewing mammal used as a draft or saddle animal in desert regions

Related Words

  • artiodactyl
  • artiodactyl mammal
  • even-toed ungulate
  • Camelus
  • genus Camelus
  • Arabian camel
  • Camelus dromedarius
  • dromedary
  • Bactrian camel
  • Camelus bactrianus




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