Cheney State Park

Cheney State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Kansas
Location:25 miles west of Wichita (54/400 to KS 251, then north 4 miles).
Facilities:223 utility camping sites, more than 400 primitive campsites, groupcamping area with 20 utility sites, 7 modern cabins, 7 modern pittoilets, 9 showerhouses, 1 shelter with restrooms, picnic/day useareas, group picnic shelters, 4 designated swimming areas, 6 boat ramps(22 launching lanes), 3 courtesy docks, 2 fish cleaning stations,marina, 2 nature trails.
Activities:Camping, sailing, windsurfing, fishing (é), boating, swimming, hiking.
Special Features:Park occupies the shores of one of the top sailing lakes in the US,with the Ninnescah Sailing Center on the West Shore Area of the park asheadquarters for sailing at Cheney. In addition to the recreationalactivities available at the lake, the 5,200-acre wildlife area adjacentto the park provides opportunities for wildlife watching, naturephotography, and hunting.
Address:16000 NE 50th St
Cheney, KS 67570

Size: 1,913 acres.

See other parks in Kansas.