Chena River State Recreation Site
Chena River State Recreation Site
Location:At 221 University Avenue in downtown Fairbanks.
Facilities:67 campsites (11 with electric and water hookups; some @di), 5 walk-intent campsites, 10 picnic sites along the river, picnic shelter (é)and playfield, 4 restrooms with flush toilets (é), nature trail, boatlaunch. Camping is limited to 5 consecutive nights from June 10 throughAugust 10.
Activities:Camping, boating.
Special Features:Park is located on the banks of the Chena River on the west side of Fairbanks. It is operated by a private company.
Address:c/o Northern Area Office
3700 Airport Way
Fairbanks, AK 99709
Size: 27 acres.
See other parks in Alaska.