Fanthorp Inn State Historic Site
Fanthorp Inn State Historic Site
Location:30 miles southeast of Bryan/College Station in the central eastern portion of the state.
Facilities:Historic tours, stagecoach rides.
Activities:Guided tours.
Special Features:Fanthorp Inn is a double-pen, cedar log, dogtrot house, built in 1834 by an English immigrant, Henry Fanthorp, when Texas was part of Mexico. Fanthorp built his house beside the road that crossed his land, thus bringing travelers right to his door. Over time, Fanthorp's became a well-known stopping place for both travelers and the community. After the land was purchased by the state from a descendant, ten years were spent researching and restoring the Inn to its 1850 appearance. Today it provides an authentic look at a nineteenth-century Texas stagecoach stop and family home.
Address:PO Box 296
Anderson, TX 77830
Size: 1 acre.
See other parks in Texas.