Cambodian Plain
Cambodian Plain
a low-lying plain in the southern partof the Indochinese Peninsula, with an area of 200, 000 sq km.Altitudes of less than 200 m predominate. The plain is boundedby the Kravanh (Cardamomes) Mountains on the west, by thespurs of the Korat Plateau on the north, and by the AnnamiteMountains on the east. It is composed mainly of light alluvialand lacustrine deposits of the Mekong River and its many tribu-taries. Lake Tonle Sap, the largest lake on the IndochinesePeninsula, is located on the plain. The area has a subequatorialmonsoonal climate, with annual precipitation ranging from 700to 1, 500 mm. It is covered primarily by thinly wooded areas, bysavannas that appeared after the forests were cut, and in placesby meadows and swamps. The Cambodian Plain is densely popu-lated, and rice cultivation is well developed.